Julio Zapata: Truth is cool but unattainable... the truth is totally amazing, but you can't ever reach it.
But the more we search the Scriptures, the more we perceive, in this doctrine, the fundamental truth of the gospel - that truth which gives to redemption its character, and to all other truths their real power.
Telling the truth has always come naturally to me. And I realize, that people like me are the reason the world hates the truth.
The paradox in Christian truth is invariably due to the fact that it is the truth that exists for God. The standard of measure and the end is superhuman; and there is only one relationship possible: faith.
Truth is a relationship. As such, each one of us receives the truth and expresses it from within, that is to say, according to one's own circumstances, culture, and situation in life.
Truth is not something that you can search outside, it is something that needs to be explored within. Truth descend when you are in the state of no-mind. Being meditative and orgasmic leads into the state of no-mind.
The truth is, I'm pretty lighthearted.
Truth is on the side of the oppressed.
The truth is, I'm drawn to all kinds of things.
Actually being funny is mostly telling the truth about things.
A lot of truth is said in jest.
But the truth is the highest consideration.
A blanket could be used to find the Brick of Truth. Many lies will be layered on the Brick of Truth to try to cover it up, but the blanket will cover up all the lies, thus covering up the cover up and thereby revealing the Brick of Truth. And don’t...
For if indeed God became a man, then Truth condescended to became a truth, from whose historical contingency one cannot simply pass to categories of universal rationality; and this means that whatever Christians mean when they speak of truth, it cann...
There is love in everything, and when we really live and view life with an open heart (and live in our truth), the light illuminates the way.
She asserted that the best fictional detail was a chosen detail, not a remembered one - for fictional truth was not only the truth of observation, which was the truth of mere journalism. The best fictional detail was the detail that should have defin...
It’s not enough to be able to lie with a straight face; anybody with enough gall to raise on a busted flush can do that. The first way to lie artistically is to tell the truth — but not all of it. The second way involves telling the truth, too, b...
Think about how much of your Bible, Old and New Testaments, is in the form not of doctrinal statements but of stories. Statements declare doctrinal truth; stories illustrate doctrinal truth. Doctrinal statements are like skeletons - bare bones, but a...
A fable is a bridge that leads to truth.
The tongue of experience utters the most truth.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well.