Don't tell me that I can't do it. Go and tell God that story. After all, He is the one who gave me the air to breath and be able to do it well! Go!
One of the most common areas where we fail is when we begin to think that genetic make-up of a person determines how far he can lead". Leadership is learnt and practiced!
Never be afraid to speak your mind on relevant issues; good leaders stand for relevance and they are never afraid to face the facts head on. Bad leaders see the problems, close their eyes and do something else!
Never wake up waiting to hear a command from someone before you make a move; be responsible! Never repeat what made you to waste an hour of yesterday; be accountable!
You may hit the bar, you may cross the forbidden line, you may cause many fouls, but when you stay on, you will definitely get your goals being the winning goals...
Be an initiator of change. Keep improving... To change is to improve; to become excellent is to keep improving often! Don't give up; people who make it in life are people who keep improving often and often!
Most people who are global achievers were once victims of greater circumstances than yours, but they had one word to sum it up; "They never give up!
Avoid hating people because you might have destroyed the bridge you have just used to cross the river; you'll need that bridge to cross again when returning!
Don’t be selfish in life; pass the ball. Winners in life’s game are people who demonstrate that they are not greedy when they have abundant of supply. They share freely provided they have it! That defines the true state of a purposeful person.
How I wish the police service is instructed to arrest people who over-complain! Just arrest them, do no harm to them, but make them do the "work" they complain about with hard labour!
Hi ladies, Hi Girls..., If you don't add more knowledge to what you already know, you may be a virgin but may not raise your bar! Go, get extra oil!
One of the greatest ever statement that can keep you at peace with others is that "I am right, but I may be wrong"! Yes, we know you are right but you may be wrong!
There are two types of patience. One is exercised in hard work and the other in idleness. Patience with hard work is the one that moves mountains. Patience in idleness moves nothing, not even cobwebs.
Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!
It's when the seed grows up that it is known as a tree. Nobody calls the "seedlings" as "trees" and no seedling is ever useful because it doesn't produce fruits! You got to grow up!
It’s is not a surprising news that manna should fall from heaven in these days. But this manna will fall for those who cultivated manna farms on the clouds above! He who sow will reap; isn't it?
Dead. Supposedly Suicide. That's how they'll kill Michael too. Make it look like a suicide or an accident of some sort.
Nincsen rá recept, hogyan kell emberi sorsok viszontagságaiból és a megnyíló lehetőségekből létrehozni azt a varázslatos elegyet, mely alig több mint egy évszázaddal ezelőtt Budapestet az alkotóerő kohójává tette.
To demonstrate integrity, a person must have the courage to consistently adhere to a strong ethical code, even in difficult situations.
A Man is born and dies but what he does with his life in between will make him great. Go out...Live your life great!
I learned the joke at the core of American self-improvement: knowledge was so much junk to be processed one way or another at great universities. The real treasure the great universities offered was a lifelong membership in a respected artificial ext...