America gains most when individuals have great freedom to pursue personal goals without undue government interference.
Do not trust people. They are capable of greatness.
No, our greatness does not come from our government.
I love being a dad, and I'm a great dad.
The world is filled with great sporting events.
Great writers are the saints for the godless.
History is the great dust-heap... a pageant and not a philosophy.
Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful.
I have a great legacy, tarnished somewhat by the move.
I love great acting, as nerdy as that sounds.
There's a great public disinclination toward politicians.
A lot of Jews are great friends of mine.
Progress, this great heresy of decay.
Meaning, however, is no great matter.
Touring is great because I love to travel.
If I had a great body, I'd be naked all the time.
A man is great by deeds, not by birth.
I'm not a great one for classic horror or cheap thrills.
The great thieves lead away the little thief.
And of course, identifying all human genes and proteins will have great medical significance.
I'm a lot of things, but none of them are great.