Baseball fans are collectively the '10th man' and needed most when team performance is shaky. When mistakes are made, there's no need to heckle your team - that's what the other side is for!
Because, they're only thinking about one team when that game's over. Before the game, they're talking about two football teams. When the game's over, there's only one winner.
The thing we found out was, when you get to a Super Bowl, both teams are treated the same, talked about in glowing terms. But when the game is over, only the team that won matters.
That's the biggest shame there is, that L.A. doesn't have a team. I was a big fan of the L.A. Rams, and when they left, I lost interest. Then there was the Raiders, and they left. How they can't have a football team in the biggest market in the world...
Although NFL teams have common interests such as promoting the NFL brand, they are still separate, profit-making entities, and their interests in licensing team trademarks are not necessarily aligned.
I have the greatest job in the world. Only one person can have it. You have shortstops on other teams - I'm not knocking other teams - but there's only one shortstop on the Yankees.
Clearly, there are things a runner does, intentionally or not, that disrupt team cohesion. And there are also things a runner doesn't do that can cause problems: not trying, showing up late, skipping team-building activities, and ignoring the coach's...
I really want to make this the last stop of my career. I don't want to be a vagabond, so to speak, and be traveling from team to team, year in and year out. I'm not that type of guy. I like to be settled.
Since we travel a lot as a team, I spend a lot of time on a plane where I like to play 'Football Manager.' I have been a soccer fan since I was 5 years old, so to be able to manage soccer teams is a lot of fun.
Because it is my second season with the team, no time has been wasted in getting to know the people I'm working with. I am aware of what the team is capable of and how the organisation works, and they are familiar with what makes me tick.
During my time, there might have been one pitcher or two that were top pitchers on a team. Teams that won maybe had three, but today they have a lot of depth. They have a lot of long relievers, short relievers, and the strategy is different.
Shaun: As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.
I even believe if you're killing a team, you shouldn't stop. You should respect your opponents enough to play 100 percent the whole time. And by the same token, if you're getting killed by the other team, you should never quit.
Team sports, there's always some kind of sacrifice happening... A team, if we lose, if Michael Jordan has a bad night, you hang it on him a little bit... but if you lose as a tennis player, you have no one to blame but yourself, and that's a differen...
Kilgore: [after the Red Team gunship spectacularly knocks out a heavy AA artillery unit] Outstanding, Red Team, outstanding! Get you a case of beer for that one.
[Guran is coming in to bat] British Team Member: Coming from the jungle? [men laughing] British Team Member 2: Make way! [men laughing] British Team Member: Don't get too close, Smithy! [men laughing] British Team Member 2: What on Earth is he doing?...
There is no trophy for the team that sails the most.
Before you and your spouse can work as a team raising your children, you must first work as a team in your marriage.
Politics is when people choose their words and actions based on how they want others to react rather than based on what they really think.
I had just been promoted to the first rugby team. It was a perfect, wonderful coming of age. My brother was already in the team, and my father had come to watch us. We went home, and my father died in front of me. Horribly, in about half an hour. He ...
Meet your people where they are. They may not be as good as they can be, but they are as good as they believe they can be. They are waiting for you to lead them.