To be successful at anything, you need the right to fail, not just occasionally.
When you fail, that is when you get closer to success.
…momentum—not experience—is the single biggest predictor of business and personal success.
I want to be successful, but I don't really have what it takes to do it comfortably.
I have a need to do something and know I can be successful.
Finding your passion is the key to your success. - Tracy Kauffman
The $100 bill may be America's most successful export.
Never forget Yourself in the wind of success!!
If you're an actor, even a successful one, you're still waiting for the phone to ring.
I was putting myself under enormous pressure to be successful.
A worthy failure is more valuable than a mediocre success.
There are a lot of unseen elements to having a successful singing career.
In success formula, master of history is the master builder of tomorrow
Use the ruins of your failure to build a bridge to success.
Success advances the man's cause, adversity cleans the man's soul.
I never intended for the Sex Pistols to be immeasurably successful.
It's hard to make something collaboratively. That's the challenge. Sometimes you're successful.
God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful.
God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful.
You can't stop success, if you close its circle.
Without knowing failure how can we know success?