Your brand will be called on upon when it's needed. When it's not needed at the moment, keep it safely till it's call comes. Some brands shine occasionally!
This is what you can do to be called a true leader; know the truth, love the truth, speak the truth and repeat the cycle over and over again and again! Let the truth reign!
Look at the truth from how it stands, not where it comes from. The truth is still the truth no matter whether it is spoken by an Indian, an American, a Chinese, an European, an African or an Australian!
Make a good gallery! Your names and your photos give you a unique identity. Make and maintain a good name in the hearts of people. Paint good photos in their minds.
When I prepare, then I become pregnant... and then I produce. When I produce, then I praise the Lord... and then I become prosperous and then the cycle repeats!
Your daily output is directly proportional to your daily thoughts while your activity or passivity remains as a constant. You get what you think to do provided you do it!
Don’t live life anyhow, else you get anywhere. Plan your life somehow and you can get somewhere. A slow plan is better than no plan.
You have it in your God-given power, the willingness to make the years ahead of you to become a brighter one. Avoid things that will not make you a success in the nearby future!
No matter how obstacles may "play" you over the bar, you will be able to assume your shape when your passion is always intact. You will not burst!
It's possible to walk out of your house with "local" footsteps, printing them one by one till they go on to make "global" consequences! Go, make a safe journey!
Integrity involves the ability to stand straight when you tell your truth, and still stand straight when the other person comes to talk!
Every game has rules. Obey the rules, win the game; disobey the rule, lose it! The game of life has loser and winners. Play fairly and win!
No matter how you were taught by your teacher about how to recite a poem, it is impossible to wear your teacher's smiling face to the stage. You got to put on that smile.
With teamwork, any little contribution you make yields greater output when it meets the contribution of others, and guess who gets the plus? Everyone in the team!
Majority of excuses are deliberate attempts to keep success far away. Eventually, the success goes away because that is the command "excuses" gave out; "pack and go"!
God gave the seed, but he wants the fruits back. Pick the seeds up. Plant the best ones. He promised the rain. It will be a bumper harvest!
Indecision is the reluctance or inability to pass a judgment on an issue under consideration. Indecision means you have come to crossroads and you cannot make your mind.
Your names and your photos give you a unique identity. Make and maintain a good name in the hearts of people. Paint good photos in their minds.
When you abbreviate your learning, you abbreviate your growth. Expand your knowledge and you keep growing taller and fatter than your limitations.
Sex is not about genitalia. It’s about relationship. When God said ‘the two shall become one flesh,’ he didn’t mean it only physically.
Remembering the treatment that had been accorded the Knights and soldiers of St. Elmo, the Maltese inhabitants of Senglea took no prisoners. Hence there arose the expression (used in Malta to this day) 'St. Elmo's pay' for any action in which no merc...