One does not become a poet by uttering beautiful words. One becomes a poet by pouring their soul as wine into the Cup of Love.
Sometimes it seems like we're closer to our manicurists than we are our own souls. We have to find ways to get in touch with that and to listen to it and to hear it.
Sum of life's reflections projected by nature and through some forms of intimacy, conceived and appreciated by the soul-beigns -!
Everywhere the human soul stands between a hemisphere of light and another of darkness; on the confines of the two everlasting empires, necessity and free will.
Everywhere the human soul stands between a hemisphere of light and another of darkness; on the confines of two everlasting empires, necessity and free will.
I don't want to look back at my career and see a string of incredibly commercial projects that don't have much heart. I'm looking for things that have soul.
Duty performed gives clearness and firmness to faith, and faith thus strengthened through duty becomes the more assured and satisfying to the soul.
The renewal and beauty of nature is awesome to behold, but the magnificent beauty and power of the pristine Soul is beyond the expression of mere words.
What I’m suggesting is that the essence of leadership is soundness and that the essence of soundness is soul, which paradoxical as you might think it is, is that child within.
It is the imagination that argues for the Divine Spark within human beings. It is literally a decent of the World's Soul into all of us.
When soul is neglected, it doesn't just go away; it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.
In its haste to bolster nationalism, in its obsession with security, Europe is losing its soul.
When sun shines, it not only brightens our day; it enlightens us, our soul, cleansing it of the gloominess that the night's darkness had brought in.
5 words of advice to reduce stress - "Connect with your Soul's power" or "Change your reality through Coaching".
You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go... Don't ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body.
They say the level of civilization is proportionate to the degree of cleanliness of the skin. Assuming that man has a soul, it must, in all likelihood, be housed in the skin.
The primary contention is that man consists of body, soul and spirit and that each of these needs to be acknowledged and satisfied in the experience of architecture as in every other way.
Do not keep the slanderer away, treat him with affection and honor: Body and soul, he scours all clean, babbling about this and that.
My dear Miss Glory, Robots are not people. They are mechanically more perfect than we are, they have an astounding intellectual capacity, but they have no soul.
You can no longer hide from me. I am your soul ache come to guide you home.
For the sight of the angry weather saddens my soul and the sight of the town, sitting like a bereaved mother beneath layers of ice, oppresses my heart.