Don’t waste your energy on negative thoughts.
Hang on! God will strength in any act of your pursuit.
Your special spiritual gifts and talents are your calling.
The only gift to yourself is your ability to seek knowledge.
Keep the faith. Allow Christ full reign in your life.
May God bless your journey on earth!
Those do dare take risks, shall fulfill their passions.
You can't be stop. Reach out for your dreams.
You have to renew your mind with positive thoughts daily.
All things are made beautiful at a timely hour.
I know God cares, He knows my every need.
Failure is a sign post of life, guiding us to the right paths.
As we plant in tears, we shall harvest with joy.
Love is an act; the act of loving, the act of compassionate and the act of forgiveness.
The light within us gives power for good actions.
Motivation ignites a flame of fire within our spirit.
Every citizen must pray for its nation.
Living in harmony with one another brings inner tranquility
Wherever you are you have to work to earn your own living.
Those who dare take risks shall fulfill their passions.
Never pay attention to the distractions in life. Focus on possibilities.