One loss is good for the soul, Too many losses is not good for the coach.
Suspicion is the companion of mean souls, and the bane of all good society.
Whether we call it religion or faith, we all battle for a balanced integrated soul.
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
I count life just a stuff to try the soul's strength on.
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
Writers really live in the mind and in hotels of the soul.
You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.
Souls cannot be saved without exertion.
The whole world is not worth one soul.
The day you stop clapping at a gig is the day your soul dies.
To have another language is to possess a second soul.
The bitter soul is forever tortured by darkness left undone
We must memorize nine numbers and deny we have a soul.
They never opened the door which leads to the soul.
A peaceful soul haunts the warring mind.
Resentment hurts the heart but love heals the soul.
Flowers are the smile of nature and the mirror of our soul.
Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.
I grew up listening to old soul.