Rats! There goes the bell... oh, how I hate lunch hours! I always have to eat alone because nobody likes me... Peanut butter again... I wish that little red haired girl would come over, and sit with me. Wouldn’t it be great if she’d walk over her...
Over the years, I have come to realize that the greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity, or power, but self-rejection. Success, popularity, and power can indeed present a great temptation, but their seductive quality often comes from the...
What you need is a chick from Camden,' Van Patten says, after recovering from McDermott's statement. Oh great,' I say. 'Some chick who thinks it's okay to fuck her brother.' Yeah, but they think AIDS is a new band from England,' Price points out. Whe...
He thought, that all men, trickled away, changing constantly, until they finally dissolved, while the artist-created images remained unchangeably the same. He thought that the fear of death was perhaps the root of all art, perhaps also of all things ...
Love is the divine Mother's arms; when those arms are spread, every soul falls into them. The Sufis of all ages have been known for their beautiful personality. It does not mean that among them there have not been people with great powers, wonderful ...
know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. (stands, leans against a wall, looking out into the distance) It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. ...
Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men, we didin't have any kind of prison. Because of this, we didn't have any delinquents. Without a prison, there can't be no delinquents. We had no locks nor keys therefore among us there were n...
Standing Deer As the house of a person in age sometimes grows cluttered with what is too loved or too heavy to part with, the heart may grow cluttered. And still the house will be emptied, and still the heart. As the thoughts of a person in age somet...
[on his past relationship with Caitlin] Dante Hicks: She was supposed to meet Brad Michaelson in a dark bedroom. She picked the wrong one. She didn't even know I was at the party. Randal Graves: Oh, my God. Dante Hicks: Great story, huh? Randal Grave...
Sheeta: [hugging her] Dola! Dola: Thank goodness you're alive! Pazu: So are you. This is great! Papa: No it's not! My poor little ship is gone forever! Boo hoo hoo hoo! Dola: Stop with the cryin', ya big baby! I'll get you another ship! Papa: [stops ...
Tony Wendice: How about coming with me to a stag party? Mark Halliday: A stag party? Tony Wendice: Yes, some American boys have been playing tennis all over the country. We're giving them a sort of farewell dinner. Mark Halliday: Sounds great, but I'...
Trautman: I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came here to rescue you from him. Teasle: Well, we all appreciate your concern Colonel, I will try to be extra careful! Trautman: I'm just amazed he allowed any of your...
Tyler Durden: Did you know that if you mix equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm? Narrator: No, I did not know that; is that true? Tyler Durden: That's right... One could make all kinds of explosives, using s...
Mr. Fox: [in a cellar with many of the other animal characters] Allright, let's start planning. Who knows shorthand? [Linda raises her hand] Mr. Fox: Great! Linda! Lutra Lutra - you got some dry paper? [she holds up some paper] Mr. Fox: Here we go. M...
Forrest Gump: That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow ...
Zero: [Reading a letter from M. Gustave] "My dear and trusted colleagues..." M. Gustave: I miss you deeply as I write from the confines of my regrettable and preposterous incarceration. Until I walk amongst you again as a free man, the Grand Budapest...
[Inspecting Dana's refrigerator for paranormal activity] Dr. Peter Venkman: Oh, my *God*. Look at all the junk food! Dana Barrett: Oh, no, Goddammit. None of this was here... Dr. Peter Venkman: You actually eat this? Dana Barrett: Look, this wasn't h...
Drago: [to Hiccup, after he miraculously returns to Berk] You certainly are hard to get rid of, I'll say that. Hiccup: [trying to bring Toothless out of his trance] Toothless? Hey, it's me, bud. It's me. It's me, I'm right here, bud. Come back to me....
Hiccup: [after Valka tells her story] How did you survive? Valka: Oh, Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He... must've thought I belonged here. [shows Hiccup the Bewilderbeast] Valka: In the home of the great Bewilderbeast. The alpha species. One of...
Rob: I want more, I wanna see the others on the big top-five. I want to see Penny and Charlie and Sarah, all of them. You know? Just see 'em and talk to 'em. You know, like a Bruce Springsteen song. Bruce Springsteen: You call, you ask them how they ...
Press Conference Reporter: Mr. President, has it been a good visit? The President: Very satisfactory indeed. We got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special. Press Conference Reporter: Prime Minister? Prime Minister: I lov...