Among the great struggles of man-good/evil, reason/unreason, etc.-there is also this mighty conflict between the fantasy of Home and the fantasy of Away, the dream of roots and the mirage of the journey.
The natural ambition of woman is through marriage to climb up, leaning upon a man; but those days are gone. You shall be great without the help of any man, just as you are.
One of the great achievements of science has been, if not to make it impossible for intelligent people to be religious, then at least to make it possible for them not to be religious. We should not retreat from this accomplishment.
Seek happiness and joy in those things that most take for granted. If we spend our time waiting for great miracles to occur in our lives, we miss the small, everyday wonders of life.
Ben Says: Be great in your life & become as bright as the stars in the sky. But be patient because every star will has it's time too shine. Timothy Pina Bullying Ben
Follow your dreams and beielve in your heart day after day. Then sit back and just watch great things happen in your life!
It took place in the midnight in the University's Great Hall, in a welter of incense, candlesticks, runic inscriptions and magic circles, none of which was strictly necessary but which made the wizards feel better.
If we can but tear the blindfold of self-deception from our eyes and loosen the gag of self-denial from our voices, we can restore our country to greatness.
Our human inventions astound, our technological advancements are staggering, and we have amassed great wealth but, it is only through Love that hearts are transformed, respect is fostered, and lasting peace achieved...
And even though they had not had sex yet, he was a great lover, replacing sex with the science of bravery and inner strength. Meredith had always wanted a man with this kind of depth.
Sometimes I think it is a great mistake to have matter that can think and feel. It complains so. By the same token, though, I suppose that boulders and mountains and moons could be accused of being a little too phlegmatic.
Never give up.Never give up on anything. Never stop trying. It better to try and fail than never trying. All the experiences are necessary. It will prepare you for the great success which comes unexpected.
Emeritus John Farrington said, "Sometimes God's creation does not yield to scientific research without great effort and our results are not always what we would like or predicted.
Stunt dwarf or destroy the imagination of a child and you have taken away its chances of success in life. Imagination transforms the commonplace into the great and creates the new out of the old.
Well, I mean, to me, I think my ultimate - my ultimate goal is winning championships and - and I understand that me going down as one of the greats will not happen until I, you know, win a championship.
But there was another class of people, the real people. To this class they all belonged, and in it the great thing was to be elegant, generous, plucky, gay, to abandon oneself without a blush to every passion, and to laugh at everything else.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.
When you sit tranquilly, you set a great example to the people who rush around in panic and thus you show the crazy waves the beauty of being a calm lake!
Don’t swear at your past; you couldn’t existed without it! It is the only path to reach today and tomorrow! Remember that past is a great teacher who thought us all we know now!
Maybe you and I can't do great things We may not change the world in one day But we still can change some things today... In our small way...
Displaying vice to the mockery of men deals it a great blow. Men put up with admonition but are loath to be mocked. One might be willing to be wicked; one cannot bear to appear foolish.