Capitalism has socialized production. It has brought thousands of people together in the factory and involved them in new social relationships.
Rather than allowing our response to an even affect our breathing, we can learn instead to let our breathing change our relationship to the event.
Technologies and specific vendors may come and go, but massive cultural transformations and new kinds of relationships? Those don't go away.
Until we put off the garment of law and tradition and put on that of relationship and grace, we'll be living under the bondage of religion
I've really never written about my relationships, or things like that. I wouldn't want to divulge things that were too private.
Sometimes, you have to shot block a friend's prayer because she's asking God to bless an obviously bad dating relationship.
The United States supports a strong, united Ukraine with productive and peaceful relationships with both the East and the West, with both Russia and Europe.
I just think that sometimes we hang onto people or relationships long after they've ceased to be of any use to either of you.
I had a feeling about directing Cocoon II: The Return. At first I wasn't too interested because it was a sequel. Then I read the script and was excited by the relationships and its mystic quality.
My relationships were never equitable. My husbands were always older than me, and they made the rules, they ran the show, and I followed them.
I fear that this is what long term relationships are all about, at base: full-time role-playing, memorized and inhabited.
What ever you do try to solve out any differences in your relationship/marriage because marriages are for keeps and God hates divorce anyway.
So the American government lied to the Native Americans for many, many years, and then President Clinton lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised! A little naïve, I feel!
I loved that it was about human relationships and then it was a mystery without falling into the trap of a thriller per se, because it pulled you in through people rather than through events or effects.
I also have intense relationships with furniture... probably because we practically had none when I was growing up.
I've always had tremendous support from my parents. I think there's a myth that gay people have lousy relationships with their parents.
The practice of giving an A transports your relationships from the world of measurement into the universe of possibility... This A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.
But instead of that stuff you get relationships with people and neighbors that you would never get in a city. People in small towns are a lot more open.
When I became secretary of state, I felt one of my primary jobs was building relationships around the world.
Our fans want us to be happy and if that means being married or having a girlfriend, they are okay with that. Of course, in this industry it is a bit harder to have normal relationships, but it is possible.
Having a profile means you have to be cautious of who you let into your world, as you don't know if they're being genuine or not, but it's more that it can be a strain on your relationships.