Those who are rooted in the depths that are eternal and unchangeable and who rely on unshakeable principles, face change full of courage, courage based on faith.
Bringing an end to mass government surveillance needs to be a central pillar of returning to the principles we have put in jeopardy in the early 21st century.
I'm one of those that have said, one of my key principles is I will not support a health care reform bill that is not deficit-neutral, period.
Mystery is gone to the certainty of technological principles. So the real terror, the real aggression against life comes in the form of the pursuit of our technological happiness.
Alas! if the principles of contentment are not within us, the height of station and worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit to a man's stature as to his happiness.
An Army is a collection of armed men obliged to obey one man. Every change in the rules which impairs the principle weakens the army.
Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion.
We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to the values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens.
Equality is the public recognition, effectively expressed in institutions and manners, of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings.
'Economics for Everybody' begins with understanding God's principles for organizing His creation and what that means for us as creatures and stewards.
It is a governing principle of nature, that the agency which can produce most good, when perverted from its proper aim, is most productive of evil.
Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.
With my Roman Catholic upbringing, I have a set of principles that serve me well in good times and bad.
In morals what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness; in religion what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Fear, either as a principle or a motive, is the beginning of all evil.
Our Heavenly Father is pleased when we don't compromise our faith and principles in times of desperation.
Anyone who really studies Catholicism deeply is aware of the mystical nature of our faith. Even references to Christ's mystical body has connections to that principle.
To that movement, consecrated by religious principle, sustained by an awful sense of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of future good, all our powers, talents, and attainments are devoted.
Studies indicate that most of young adults struggle to grasp even the most basic financial principles that will allow them to manage money and prepare for their future.
The first principle of contract negotiations is don't remind them of what you did in the past - tell them what you're going to do in the future.
The sons of Judah have to choose that God may again choose them. The divine principle of our race is action, choice, resolved memory.
Every branch of human knowledge, if traced up to its source and final principles, vanishes into mystery.