Adversity kills fearful people just by showing them its weapons. As to whether that weapon is fatal or fake, they don't care to know before they surrender!
The greatest tragedy to ever happen to a nation is not the incidences of war or terrorism. It's when more bookshops close down and more drinking bars are opened to replace them!
Don't go in for the "yellowish" if what you need is "yellow". The attitude called precision is the quality that remarks the accuracy of your demand. Never settle for the less; Go for the exact thing!
Your character and attitude is what takes the lead in your leadership role and you follow them as a true leader". Poor character and attitude is eventually poor leadership.
Attitude. That is your tendency to evaluate things based on your perception. If you think you can't, that is a negative attitude parcel and opening it will reveal what you believe
It's not bad to cough. But cover your mouth when coughing. It's not bad to complain. But cover your mouth when complaining, else you'll spread infections of complains on us!
Before you go to live the life you are being forced by others to live, remember they'll never be there to share your challenges and emotions that come with it together with you!
You have what others don't have. This is good news which means you can do what others can't do! You are unique; so are others!
Yes! If you really love your beautiful garden of dreams, you will never allow any hungry beast to have its way in. Keep dream killers away!
You are like a city on the hill; you can't be hidden out of sight in any way! Beautify your environment and your influence will be seen from afar!
The beauty of your mind depends on the "make-ups" you use to feed it. A "can-do-spirit" is the best cosmetic. It never fades your mental beauty!
Excellence is a habit acquired by continuous improvement on the little things you do with a firm belief that it's going to be better than before!
Create a standard for yourself and not a limit. A limit tells where you can reach in life, but standard tells about what you will love to do best at a time!
Never leave the egg in you not laid. Don't leave the laid eggs there not hatched. You deserve the best; you were created to use every gift in you!
Until you get enough of enough, the "enough" that is never enough, you dare not quit! If your good is better, your better can be best; your best too can become excellent!
Scripture said that "pride goes before fall". Just let pride go alone. Don't go in its company, else fall pursues both of you!
The blame game is already a lost game, so don't attempt dressing up to play it! Blames create no change; winners don't apportion blames!
Maintain your integrity! Live life in such a way that when another person tells his or her truth, you'll not be committed for blame.
Before you point fingers at someone, clean them well. You better remove that log on your lens before you can see the speck on someone's own afar!
Learning is like the fuel that moves the machinery of your body towards it's destination of success. Shortage is possible, hence spare supply is necessary!
Just preaching "you are blessed" to a congregation is like giving them a big fertile land. They need the seeds to plant on it; they need business ideas, a little of which is enough!