By increasing productivity and becoming more competitive, we will be able to offer better opportunities and improve the standard of living for all Mexicans.
There is an assumption that if you're young and pretty, you will get all these opportunities that are way beyond your musical foundation.
sometimes in your works, give people the opportunity to express their ignorance; then you prove the wrong with your works.
An opportunity, no matter how small it is, is still worth a golden chance. So take it or have regrets for the rest of your life.
Along with opportunities, there also exist many other tricky and complex issues to be managed in India. These include tackling both policy-level challenges and infrastructure challenges.
It is easy to keep praying for money when you haven't got the mind to spot an opportunity. It is a priority, not a need
When it comes to expanding opportunity, businesses and young adults are not the sources of the problem - they are a substantial part of the solution.
This country would not be a land of opportunity, America could not be America, if the people were shackled with government monopolies.
Opportunity is present is wreckage as much as it is in that which is wonderful. It’s not so much how it comes to us, but what we do with it.
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.
The wide awake man seizes opportunities or makes them, and thus those who are widest awake usually come to the front.
Video games are so popular these days, getting the opportunity to star in one is something special. More people should do it.
One who is hungry for growth, doesn't requires motivation and training.. He just needs an opportunity...
The art is long, life is short, opportunity fleeting, experiment dangerous, judgment difficult.
I hate to see people frustrated or leave a company for an opportunity they could easily have had at their current company if they had only asked.
To the ordinary, opposite, means hatred. Every person sees themselves as love. To the extraordinary, opposite means opportunity.
Capacity never lacks opportunity. It cannot remain undiscovered because it is sought by too many anxious to use it.
There are opportunities that I have because I'm a white dude, and it's controversial because that's just the way that the world we live in kind of is.
Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent.
You do feel a certain obligation to shows that raise your profile like 'Downton' has. But there are definitely other exciting opportunities out there.
Agribusiness could provide an opportunity for joint Israeli-Palestinian projects, spurred on by Israeli technical expertise in this field.