Music isn’t just heard, it is felt.
Music is my emotional tranquilizers
I'm lyrically driven, I'm not musically driven.
Music is a very personal and emotional form of communication.
Music can't change the world.
Music is part of God's universe.
Music is passionate. It's love for me.
I still love a variety of kinds of music.
I have a love of baseball and a love of music.
The musical is the one area of the theater that can give you the biggest buzz of all.
If it's music, I love it.
Cocktail music is accepted as audible wallpaper.
Canned music is like audible wallpaper.
Music has as many roles as people make it.
I need music like I need water.
My music lives because of real players.
Music is escapism, it's entertainment.
A nation that has no music and no fairytales is a tragedy.
Punk is not just the sound, the music. Punk is a lifestyle.
I failed music when I was a teenager.
I like the fact that music is more abstract.