The reason negative emotions burn out so very slowly in us is because we keep igniting them with old, unpleasant memories.
Sometimes I get the start of a story from a memory, an anecdote, but that gets lost and is usually unrecognizable in the final story." [ , BookBrowse, 1998]
Why don't I forget the past? Because those memories and I haven't change when everything else is changed including you.
the flames are silent, Peace is violent, Tears are frozen ’cause massacre was chosen. ~~ 26/11– Mumbai terror attack memories
it was all I had, all I've ever had, the only currency, the only proof that I was alive. Memory." p 380
Us reaching the moon convinced Gorbachev and other leaders that the Soviet Union couldn't compete with the U.S., so they revised their agenda. But people have short memories.
I deliberately did not read anything about the Vietnam War because I felt the politics of the war eclipsed what happened to the veterans. The politics were irrelevant to what this memorial was.
The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.
There is a difference between 'talking' and 'having a conversation'. When you talk you pass time but when you have a conversation, you create memories.
Life is about the adventures you take and the memories you make. So travel often and live life with open eyes and an open heart.
I am very careful about who I choose to build memories with. Some of them might last a lifetime.
There were a story scripted on the wall, no words used though, just pictures, memories, from another world. Her happy place.
Each loved one went silently down; bubbles bursting leaving behind images they held to stick on the glass of memory.
We all have our safe places, where none are invited. They are lonely rooms full of the musk of memory. Sanctuary rather than adventure.
Life is a journey where people travel through each other's memories. If you want to keep a secret well, keep it from yourself
The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others".
I am a complete sentimentalist when it comes to clothes. I have so many memories attached to them that I can't throw anything out.
To articulate what is past does not mean to recognize “how it really was.” It means to take control of a memory, as it flashes in a moment of danger.
When you walk into your memories, you are opening a door to the past; the road within has many branches, and the route is different every time.
Neuroscience is exciting. Understanding how thoughts work, how connections are made, how the memory works, how we process information, how information is stored - it's all fascinating.
Even as I think of myself as a 'rememberer,' I also know my memory is probably doing all this work to reconstruct a narrative where I come off better.