If you don’t choose to plant, don’t dream to harvest. Ownership precedes production and production comes as a result of deliberate choice.
True leadership is an attitude that naturally inspires and motivates others, and it comes from an internalized discovery about yourself.
Your thoughts carry you wherever you want to go. Weak thoughts don’t have the energy to carry you far!
Celebrity mentality sometimes misguides us to make wrong choices. That’s why T.V screens sometimes lie to us!
God’s word is the way to God himself. If you miss the word of God, you will miss God. Jesus is the word!
There is something more dangerous than the death of one’s body. It is “the undiscovered self”; being alive without knowing why.
Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our origins, our human makeup –and our destiny.
People perish not because of lack of faith; they perish because of lack of knowledge! Know yourself!
We live our thoughts and manifest them in our attitudes toward ourselves and others. We cannot live beyond our thoughts and convictions.
The glory of the carpenter is the tables and chairs he manufactures; the glory of God is you and me because He manufactured us!
God gave us imaginations because that’s one of the ways we can visit the future! Thoughts are transport media!
Genius thinks out of box when leader adjusts the size of box.
The president of the US is the leader of the free world, if by free world you mean the country with the largest prison system.
Finally, the president added, 'The American people are idealists, but they also want their leaders to be realistic...
The people need a strong leader. They feel insecure if they don’t know who to fear. Isn’t that why god was invented?
NIHILIST, n. A Russian who denies the existence of anything but Tolstoi. The leader of the school is Tolstoi.
The world is starving for leaders who are not afraid to dismantle the sacred and precious beliefs, which hold us as prisoners of the past.
The woman must be restored to her rightful place, as the strong, loving maternal leader of peace and reason.
True worship leaders worship the Lord at all times and use songs only when necessary.
Often leaders have the best intentions, but people cannot read their minds. That's why it's important to declare yourself: Tell people why you choose to lead and the code you live by.
We've got to figure out a way that we give a private sphere for our public leaders. We're not gonna get the best people in public life if we don't do that.