A real idea keeps changing and appears in many places.
Clothes are interesting and they're there to be played with. I like the idea of costume rather than fashion.
I'm open to the idea of doing more musicals if it's one that I really enjoy.
Oh, in France you can't defame an idea, only a person.
I really hate bureaucracy and the idea that I'm not a free person.
I didn't have any idea that I would be able to have a career in film.
Yes, books are dangerous. They should be dangerous - they contain ideas.
I am always stimulated by people. Almost never by ideas.
I have fun with ideas; I play with them.
For every young person I meet, I learn an idea.
An idea is a feat of association, and the height of it is a good metaphor.
The idea of a rupture between acts occurs in a number of my plays.
Ideas are cheap. The difficult part is finding the team to execute them.
I liked the idea of being a writer and letting somebody else do the graft.
Venom was a band that strongly influenced the image and the idea behind Slayer.
When your ideas shatter established thought, expect blowback.
Ilike ideas writers have that I might not have written. Writers are there for a reason... to write for me.
The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.
I was ashamed to admit I was hipped to the idea of acting. That's why I started in with the props.
An idea's birth is legitimate if one has the feeling that one is catching oneself plagiarizing oneself.
Our idea is simply to play the songs and to emphasize our musicianship.