The relationship of the toastmaster to speaker should be the same as that of the fan to the fan dancer. It should call attention to the subject without making any particular effort to cover it.
A lot of women say they love being pregnant, but I wasn't such a big fan.
I really love poetry. I'm a big E.E. Cummings fan and a big Walt Whitman fan, and I have a big book of poetry.
There's some places where, I don't know if they're fiddle fans, or Natalie fans or if they just love Celtic music, but there's some places where there's just awesome crowds.
I feel like in a lot of ways I can relate to the fans, just being a fan of music myself.
I'm not a big music fan. Well, I am a big fan, but I'm not the type of person who buys stuff.
I am a fan of marriage and a fan of being committed to the right person.
I'm not a big fan of there being voiceovers in movies. I really prefer it when the film tells it story.
I'm a big fan of Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, they're my two favorites.
If I'm trying to please every craze fan, then I can't. Of course, we all want to please the fans.
Being busy with work, and as a mum, I'm a big fan of online shopping.
I really wanted to work with David Lynch. I was a big fan of The Elephant Man and Eraserhead.
I always place myself as the archetypal Cure fan. I'm the wrong age, but I still think that if I like anything particularly, our fans will.
I'm a big fan of Mashable and TechCrunch and other outlets like that, but TechMeme obviously does an amazing job of aggregating.
I know it is the fans that are responsible for me being here. I've always tried in each and every broadcast to serve the fans to the best of my ability.
If I can be cruel; I'm not a big fan of the Audi R8, actually.
I've always been a huge fan of apologetics. C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors.
I'm a big fan of community, and I think independence is over-rated.
Boxing should probably be banned. But until then, I'm a big fan.
I'm a big fan of 'The Office', both the British and the American versions.
I personally call one of my fans every month. I answer all of my own fan mail.