I decided at 15 that I didn't want to be one of those artists that gets up and sings love songs they don't mean. I decided that I was going to be me to the fullest extent, that my songs were going to reflect relationships I've had, things I've been t...
I think the large part of the function of the Internet is it is archival. It's unreliable to the extent that word on the street is unreliable. It's no more unreliable than that. You can find the truth on the street if you work at it. I don't think of...
In and after 1964 when I began to concern myself with the biological issues, and particularly from 1967 onwards, the extent of the problems over which I felt uneasy increased to such a point that in 1968 I felt a compelling urge to make my views publ...
I think that's part of building your team is trying to anticipate where your team is going and to a certain extent where, especially defensively because you have to react to what they put on the field. Defensively you have to be able to defend those ...
There are lots of research, of course, saying that a vast majority of us have been exposed to racial biases and stereotypes and, to some extent, we've internalized them, because that's so ubiquitous. That's why I'm so bored with the conversation abou...
What should we suppose must naturally be the consequence of our carrying on a slave trade with Africa? With a country, vast in its extent, not utterly barbarous, but civilized in a very small degree? Does any one suppose a slave trade would help thei...
I'm a big believer in the notion that our greatest potential lies in our darkest parts. To a certain extent it's only in facing those parts of ourselves that we can truly grow, and I think that's true of all of the characters I've played, certainly i...
The grace of birth is a divine.
Ah, it is spring, Great spring it is now, Great, great spring - Ah, Great -
Great abilities produce great vices as well as virtues.
Great men are not born great, they grow great . . .
The Lord is a great God. The Lord is a great King.
It is your life, accept the challenge:
It is gracious to overlook an offence.
Live to read, read to learn.
Seek protection from the supreme-being.
One who has great faith has great power.
One who has great love has great power.
I get to play a great character while working with great actors and great directors on a great show.
'Liberace's a great film. It's a great piece of material. I have a great script and it's a great score.
Life is filled with timeless opportunities. You need to seize every opportunity and make it great.