The earth is a great big orphanage for most animals.
To gain a crown by fighting is great, to reject it divine.
It was great working with Kevin Smith - just a dream.
There is something great and terrible about suicide.
When the product is right, you don't have to be a great marketer.
This has been a great victory for the Venezuelan people.
Ireland. Great for the spirit - very bad for the body.
I'm actually a great fan of lucidity.
Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision.
I have a lot of great distractions outside of acting.
Great Socialist statesmen aren't made, they're still-born.
Life is weird, great and dangerous.
As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great.
This great misfortune - to be incapable of solitude.
I'm very happy to be involved with great filmmakers.
Mother was a great force in her area of evangelism.
'The Great Gatsby' ticked so many boxes for me.
I'm a freak for great movies. I love movies.
There a great ethnic cuisine available to you in Chicago.
He is great enough that is his own master.
Even my great grand-mother did impressions.