There is time for everything; a time to MAKE the BEST and a time to TAKE a REST...
Do good even if no one is watching you and do it as if everyone is watching you.
There are no more ceilings over my dreams... They have no limit; they limitless! They are extra-large!
In the faculty of failure, mediocrity is never an optional course!
The ink in the pen that writes success stories is "FOCUS"...
Can-do" is the parent of "Have-done". No passion, no production!
When you read a great book, you don't escape from life, you plunge deeper into it.
The truly great books are always novels: 'Anna Karenina,' 'The Brothers Karamazov,' 'The Magic Mountain.' Just as with 'Shahnameh,' I browse these books from time to time to remember how a great book works on us or to teach my students at Columbia Un...
Not every dream grows on every land, so you got to watch out! “Sugar cane” dreams should find the environment where there is flooding of great ideas from great people. It will die off if it is planted at the place where the drought of discouragem...
Your intelligence enhances your ability to think and recollect, dream and set realistic goals. Your stamina is built on your passion for progress and willingness to excel... When you have a great stamina, you can make great impact even with a low int...
Not every hen lay eggs. Not every hen that lays eggs gets them hatched. Not everyone born with greatness becomes as such. Go, hatch your eggs.
Great achievers are willing to die as hatrick dream scorers rather than to live as disappointed spectators! They keep the running to make it happen!
My prayer will shake heaven to come down and kiss the earth... and I will pose somewhere to watch it drop some goodies that I will later gather for my greatness. Sela!
It's only "single steps" that make a journey of 1000 miles. It means the combined effect of many steps is the equivalence of a great journey. Go, take many little steps.
It's wrong to think that money is the first requirement for great accomplishments. This argument is neither here nor there. Money or no money, success begins with your ideas.
People's curses will become your clue to win. The trash they think you have will become the treasure for greatness they will plead to enjoy! You will understand this better by and by!
A little time can help you to make a great impact, therefore you should never despise few minutes. Do it till it's done and done well!
It’s great to feel happy. Go, do what makes you feel happy. Do it shabbily and get shallow happiness; Do it hard and feel the hardest happiness!
A great book is one, which really don’t finish when it finishes.
A woman in a box—a great gift for the husband who has everything.
I went on a Buddha jag. I read 'Confession of a Buddhist Atheist' by Stephen Batchelor and Karen Armstrong's biography of Buddha, which is a great book.