Pembalasan paling indah yang sangat pedih adalah lewat novel.
Good novel are written by people who are not frightened.
So, I outlined a horror novel and started writing.
Writing a novel is easier than writing a memoir; you are not constrained by the truth.
Nothing to be proud of, nothing to regret.
The illusion is we are only physical.
We move between two darknesses.
I hope this might be forever.
Eternity is not a super-abundance of time, but timelessness.
A good novel is worth more then the best scientific study.
Writing a novel is like having a dream.
I wrote my first novel, 'Deadline,' in 1994 as an experiment.
TV is where a writer can write his novel.
I have nothing revolutionary or even novel to offer.
Writing novels is the most exciting.
A novel is a static thing that one moves through; a play is a dynamic thing that moves past one.
Anaemia is an illness primarily affecting characters in novels.
Reading a novel of a private experience, very, very different, the nature of it is very different.
There is no happiness in love, except at the end of an English novel.
When I write, I get glimpses into future novels.
Life is God's novel. Let him write it.