The brutal reality about aging is that it has only an accelerator pedal. We have yet to discover whether a brake exists for people.
Inconvenience yourself: ditch the remote, the garage door opener, the leaf-blower; buy a bike, broom, rake, and snow shovel.
The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits.
A forest of these trees is a spectacle too much for one man to see.
If even dying is to be made a social function, then, grant me the favor of sneaking out on tiptoe without disturbing the party.
When other girls were dreaming about love, she dreamt of love too, but in an entirely different context - the ones they took for granted.
He'd forgiven who he needed to forgive, let go of what he needed to, and accepted himself as he was. Archibald Alexander Leach, Cary Grant, and all.
Destiny grants us our wishes, but in its own way, in order to give us something beyond our wishes.
But his kiss was so sweet, and so closely he pressed, that I languished and pined till I granted the rest.
Nothing like that warm and fuzzy Soviet architecture ... Pretty much as close to the Klingon home world as you're gonna get.
No other country on earth could have provided such tremendous opportunities and we should never take the privilege of our citizenship for granted.
Dr. Alan Grant: [after Tim has survived being electrocuted] Big Tim, the human piece of toast.
One of my fantasies in my life has been that I was granted access with a camera to go back in time, and to film the actual campaign of Alexander crossing into India through Iran and Persia.
For a time during the early settlement of this country peace and goodwill prevailed, only to be followed later by violent and relentless warfare.
I can't tell you the thrill and joy of when I was cast in my first Broadway show. Granted, it was 'Starlight Express' and it was exhausting, but it was my first time on Broadway, and there was nothing like it.
Besides alligators, the only animals to be feared are the poisonous serpents. These are certainly common enough in the forest, but no fatal accident happened during the whole time of my residence.
This time, there were no drugs involved. The hours were completely normal daytime hours. I think we were able to appreciate the interplay, where before we had taken it for granted.
In a time of serious budget deficits, immense war costs and a sluggish economy, we cannot afford to grant such outlandish subsidies to some of our Nation's largest corporations.
The country up here is beautiful; everything green and pleasant; and if you saw it now, you would not believe that in two months' time it could have such a parched and barren appearance as it will then assume.
Give immediate instruction to all your posts in said territory, under your direction, at no time and on no pretence to hoist, or suffer be hoisted, the English flag.
It's hard now to imagine that kind of travel and the daily tasks they simply took for granted. If a wagon axle broke, you had to stop and carve a new one. To cross a river, you sometimes had to build a raft.