I do not believe that the government is in any position to say exactly how every single business and every single activity shall reach those performances.
I will be engaging myself personally, as the head of the Polish government, in the optimization of conditions for the exploration, research, logistics and the business related to the production of shale gas.
Beginning in 1973 and then acts in '77, '78, 1980, 1994 and then into the 21st century in the international arena, governments have steadily gotten out of the transportation business.
The U.S. economy and workers benefit from a strong, healthy relationship between government and business.
Rarely in modern times has there been such a revolution in commercial sentiment as occurred in 2008, or such a display in government and business of panic and helplessness.
When scrutiny is lacking, tyranny, corruption and man's baser qualities have a better chance of entering into the public business of any government.
Obesity is a societal issue. We have to come together with government, business, civil society, and NGOs to create solutions for this.
Small business owners are fighting every day to create and innovate, but continue to face government barriers to job creation.
America needs jobs, smaller government, less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech.
All the government decisions remain and won't be altered until I get in the role and have had a chance to discuss them with my colleagues.
Governments must give to all those who have hit life's hurdles the chance to rebuild and have a future.
People can change the volume, the location and the composition of their income, and they can do so in response to changes in government policies.
Is there any wonder why we are in such big trouble? Any question why the people don't trust their government anymore, and demand a change?
If an election is simply a one-day snapshot of transient mass delusions, then this is not a very noble form of government.
If the federal government won't secure the border, the State of Arizona will step in to complement federal efforts in a constitutional manner and protect the security of its citizens.
If for no other reason than the energy crisis now facing this country, the federal government should be eager to become partners with us in rebuilding our city.
If all of us would require the same level of performance from ourselves as we expect from government, this city will forever be the city that works.
The people ask much, often more than any government can give. We must resist the temptation to promise solutions to all problems.
We no longer have a free market in the United States, we have a government controlled free market.
The president said nothing about the views of government in regard to the possibility of Carolinas seceding. This however was frequently spoken of by other statesmen at the North. I think they were unanimous in this, that no army would be sent here.
When documents were analog, they were protected by government laws against unreasonable search and seizure. When they live in the cloud... the ground is shifting.