Ulysses Everett McGill: The old tactician has got a plan. For the transportation that is, I don't know how I'm gonna keep my coiffure in order. Pete: How's this a plan? How we gonna get a car? Ulysses Everett McGill: Sell that. I figure it can only h...
The Grandson: A book? Grandpa: That's right. When I was your age, television was called books. And this is a special book. It was the book my father used to read to me when I was sick, and I used to read it to your father. And today I'm gonna read it...
General Broulard: Colonel Dax, you're a disappointment to me. You've spoiled the keenness of your mind by wallowing in sentimentality. You really did want to save those men, and you were not angling for Mireau's command. You are an idealist... and I ...
Roosevelt: The entire outer skin will be like this. Tyler: It's titanium, laminated with kevlar. Roosevelt: Go ahead. Shake his hand. [the robotic arm extends to shake Morton's hand] Bob Morton: Come here often? How you doin'? Bob Morton: [cringes as...
Della Bea Robinson: [talking about Ray's drug problem] You have got to stop this now because there is something you love more then me... Ray Charles: No, don't say that, Bea... Della Bea Robinson: ...there is something you love more then me, the chil...
Hoffy: They ought to be under the barbed wire soon. Shapiro: Looks good outside. Animal: I hope they hit the Danube before dawn. Price: They've got a good chance. The longest night of the year. Duke: I'll bet they make it to Friedrichshaven. Animal: ...
Sefton: What is this anyway, a kangaroo court? Why don't you get a rope and do it right? Duke: You make my mouth water. Sefton: You're all wire-happy, boys. You've been in this camp too long. You put two and two together and it comes out four - only ...
General "Buck" Turgidson: Mr. President, if I may speak freely, the Russkie talks big, but frankly, we think he's short of know how. I mean, you just can't expect a bunch of ignorant peons to understand a machine like some of our boys. And that's not...
Tony Montana: Look at that: a junkie... I got a junkie for a wife... Her womb is so polluted... I can't even have a fucking little baby with her! Manolo Ray: C'mon Tony... Elvira Hancock: You son of a bitch!... you fuck!... [throws wine in Tony's fac...
James T. Kirk: How did you find me? Christopher Pike: I know you better than you think you do. The first time I found you was in a dive like this. Remember that? You got your ass handed to you. James T. Kirk: No, I didn't. Christopher Pike: You don't...
[first lines] Mark Zuckerberg: Did you know there are more people with genius IQs living in China than there are people of any kind living in the United States? Erica Albright: That can't possibly be true. Mark Zuckerberg: It is. Erica Albright: What...
Tiffany: Hey! Pat: What the fuck? I'm married! Tiffany: So am I! Pat: What the fuck are you doing? Your husband's dead! Tiffany: Where's your wife? Pat: You're crazy! Tiffany: I'm not the one who just got out of that hospital in Baltimore. Pat: And I...
Sarah Connor: Tell me about my son. Kyle Reese: He's about my height. He has your eyes. Sarah Connor: What's he like? Kyle Reese: You trust him. He's got a strength. I'd die for John Connor. Sarah Connor: Well... at least now I know what to name him....
Vilos Cohaagen: What the fuck is going on down there? Richter: I'm trying to neutralize a traitor, Sir. Vilos Cohaagen: If I wanted him dead, you moron, I wouldn't have dumped him on Earth! Richter: We can't let him run around. He knows too much. Vil...
Rose: Staring up at the sky, Look. It's so beautiful. SO vast and endless. They're so small. My crowd, they think they're giants. They're not even dust in Gods eyes. Jack: Well, there's been a mistake. You're not one of them. You got mailed to the wr...
[Frawley, Dino and a Vericom crew chief are looking up at another crew member examining the hacked junction box above the bank that was robbed] Vericom Crew Chief: They obviously knew how to work the box, but I like the way they zapped the bipper to ...
Creedy: Defiant till the end, huh?... But you won't cry like him, will you? You're not afraid of death. You're like me. V: The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr. Creedy, is that we're both about to die. Creedy: How do you imagine that's go...
Pike Bishop: You boys want to move on or stay here and give him a... decent burial? Tector Gorch: He was a good man, and I think we oughta bury him. Pike Bishop: He's DEAD! And he's got a lot of good men back there to keep him company! Lyle Gorch: To...
Oompa Loompas: Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee do / I've got another puzzle for you / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee dee / If you are wise you'll listen to me / Gum chewing's fine when it's once in a while / It stops you from smoking and brightens your smile / But ...
Oompa Loompas: Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee doo / I've got a perfect puzzle for you / Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee dee / If you are wise you'll listen to me / What do you get when you guzzle down sweets? / Eating as much as an elephant eats / What are you at g...
Terence Fletcher: Try me you fucking weasel! At 5:30 that's in exactly 11 minutes my band is on stage. If your ass is not on that stool with your own fucking sticks in hand or you make ONE FUCKING MISTAKE, ONE! I will drum your ass back to Nassau whe...