I'm always telling Don King's people when there's a top-10 heavyweight they've got that needs an opponent, I'm ready.
You've got to quit judging people just because they have an 'R' or a 'D' in front of their name. We don't do that in Oklahoma.
I got cocky and I stopped taking my vitamins. It was an inconvenience to have a suitcase full of vitamins with me on the road. About two years ago, it caught up with me.
Yeah I'm telling real stories, but if you pick up a documentary on strippers, you're going to want to see some stripping, so we definitely got that in there.
When I graduated from high school, I got accepted to York University, Fine Arts film program.
You don't have to go away to know where you're home is, everyone knows where their home is. And if you don't, you've got problems.
No, I think that we've got a basic discrepancy here between the rule of law versus the rule of man.
Both sides of the aisle - Republican and Democrat - have been unwilling and afraid to address the deficit, and someone's got to.
The doctor said that every man will have cancer if he lives to be old enough. I don't know why I got it - I ain't old.
I like to talk while I'm on stage. It makes the show more personal. With that said, it's got to stay within reason or it's annoying.
If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time.
The word 'aerobics' came about when the gym instructors got together and said: If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it Jumping up and down.
As soon as you're at the higher levels of budgeting, you've got to get the film made, and the only way to support the film is to have actors who can support the budget.
They know that the column resonates in the community. They know that people like it, and yet they don't have room for one column once week that consistently got it right.
I've got a presence on all the social networks, in fact, but I've never once sent a message. I'm there because otherwise, someone's going to pretend to be me.
He got up and there were both of us in our underwear and this kid goes through the whole thing again, all the closets, the bathroom, everything else and then he left.
I'm excited about being an owner, it's got my competitive juices going. I'm scared, but excited as well.
A simple way to be grateful is to close your eyes for a minute and think of those who never got a chance to open them.-RVM
If I get two lines in the script, I somehow turn it into 20. I've got a bit of a bad habit of doing that, of just embellishing my little moment.
I played a lawyer in a movie, so, many times I think I am a lawyer. And clearly I'm not a lawyer, because I got arrested.
I'm losing friendships over forgetting to get back to people. But you can't keep up with everything. I've got a 13-year-old, a nine-year-old and a baby.