I was running since I was 10. Since grade one at school people looked at me and thought, oh gosh she can really run, she's a natural.
People say sometimes, gosh, that was brave of you to write such-and-such last week. 'Brave?' What do they mean 'brave?' It's right! How could you not write it?
I don't want to turn 50 and say, 'Gosh, I wish I'd lived in that part of the world for a time. I wish I'd read that book by Faulkner.' I want time to delve back into Thoreau and Kafka.
Every day I think, 'Gosh, I wish I could be like George Carlin, Bill Maher: I want that edge.' But every time I start to get that edgy thing, I get kind of mean.
Agnes: Oh, my gosh look at that fluffy unicorn! [Agnes looks at the unicorn with awe] Agnes: He's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!
Phil Wenneck: [after realizing that they have rescued the wrong Doug] GOD DAMN IT! Alan Garner: Gosh darn it! Phil Wenneck: SHIT! Alan Garner: Shoot!
The working men, I'll go by and they'll whistle. At first they whistle because they think, 'Oh, it's a girl. She's got blond hair and she's not out of shape,' and then they say, 'Gosh, it's Marilyn Monroe!'
Animation is very singular. Like, even the 'Toy Story' movies. People will go, 'Oh, gosh, you're so lucky, getting to play opposite Tom Hanks!' And it's, like, 'It may have appeared to be that, but we were never in the room together.'
Honey Lemon: Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! I'VE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!
Jake: Oh my gosh! How do you know Mike Shiner? Lesley: We share a vagina.
But I still have no cash flow. I need a job, or the gift of prophecy and a plane ticket to Las Vegas.
Men and women think about love differently. The main difference is that men simply don’t think about it.
I cleaned out my belly button last night, and I found the meaning of life. Gosh, I wonder how long it’s been hidden there.
He was making all kinds of sounds apparently with his mouth, and shaking his head and I thought, gosh, is he trying to stop the orchestra? Is it all wrong? It was just unbelievable.
There was a story that I was in a shoe shop and that I threw a pair of flip flops at the wall, shouting, 'I can't believe how overpriced these are!' I thought, 'Gosh, if I'm gonna take a big stand on something I would hope it would be for more than f...
I think all kids think their parents are strict. My parents aren't superstrict, but they seem to be stricter than most. But even though it's like, 'Oh, gosh, I've gotta be in at this time,' they know what they're doing. I have great parents.
I think if a girl is easy to talk to then that's the first thing I look for. It's great when you meet a girl and three hours later you're like, 'Oh my gosh, we've been talking for three hours, what happened to the time?'
I don't think one should ever come to my stage of life and have to look back and say, Gosh. I wish I hadn't spent all those years doing that job I was never really interested in.
You can say any fool thing to a dog and the dog will just give you this look that says, 'My GOSH, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!
Half the time on vacation, if I'm in a bikini, I allow myself - I eat, like, waffles and pancakes for breakfast, so that's me after, like, a big meal. I'm not the one that's like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm going to be on the beach.'
Also, SKULLS. Gosh you love SKULLS. There is a good SKULL at the heart of any mystery, haunting its EVERY PAGE. That is what you always say. Or at least, it is what you always HOPE.