I played from the time I was seven years old. My father was my first baseman coach. I had opportunities that I never really pursued - with some Miami teams and a few larger colleges, and then I ended up bailing and began cooking.
The Joker: [Is about to unmask the unconscious Batman but Gordon suddenly points a gun to his head] Arrrgh! Could you *please* just give me a minute?
Lt. James Gordon: They'll hunt you. Batman: You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me. Set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen.
Lt. James Gordon: It's a shame Sal's going to walk. Harvey Dent: Yeah, well, the good thing about the mob is they keep giving you second chances.
Jim Gordon: Can I change your mind about quitting the force? John Blake: You were right, about the structures becoming shackles.
Gordon Camrose: Though it wasn't the only reason I watched out for him. And I tried to explain that to him. He was one of my true friends. Wade Porter: Mine too.
Fast Eddie: I'm the best you ever seen, Fats. I'm the best there is. And even if you beat me, I'm still the best. Bert Gordon: Stay with this kid; he's a LOSER.
Joe Gordon: That's the way things go: you think you got a great yarn, and something comes along and messes up the finish - and there you are.
Dr. Lawrence Gordon: What's the last thing you remember? Adam: Nothing! I went to bed in my shithole apartment, and I woke up in an actual shithole.
Gideon Gordon Graves: You made me swallow my gum! That's going to be in my digestive tract for seven years!
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: It's never necessary to tell me that you think I'm right. We'll just... assume it.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: [voice over] Shut up in a tomb. Can't lift the lid. Playing a role I never concieved.
Colonel Gordon Tall: Look at this jungle. Look at those vines, the way they twine around, swallowing everything. Nature's cruel, Staros.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: You're Greek, aren't you, Captain? Did you ever read Homer? We read Homer at the Point. In Greek.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: You feel like a son to me, John. You know what my son does? He's a bait salesman.
Montel Gordon: We got him making the deal on tape, we got him bragging about the quality and his business. We got this motherfucker. Ray Castro: [to Eduardo] You're fucked.
Bud Fox: Why do you need to wreck this company? Gordon Gekko: Because it's WRECKABLE, all right? I took another look at it and I changed my mind!
Gordon Gekko: When I get a hold of the son of a bitch who leaked this, I'm gonna tear his eyeballs out and I'm gonna suck his fucking skull.
Gordon Gekko: I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things. Read Sun-tzu, The Art of War. Every battle is won before it is ever fought.
Gordon Gekko: That's the one thing you have to remember about WASPs: they love animals and hate people.