Spelling Bees are useless and unnecessary competitions. Before Microsoft Word and Google, Spelling Bees had value, but now they are all superflewus.
You know, I try to avoid Googling myself, but sometimes I slip up. Sometimes I just want to see how the world is viewing me on a particular day.
I'm just more excited about helping new entrepreneurs create the next Facebook or Google.
The more angels we have in Silicon Valley, the better. We are funding innovation. We are funding the next Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
People think that when you use Google you're finding exactly what you need, but really, you need expert help.
Yahoo is still in many ways the definitive brand of the consumer Internet, but I don't think they can or should compete with Google any longer. That game is over.
Google is the enemy. I would tell that to anyone who enjoys any TV show like 'Game of Thrones' to avoid it; it spoils so many storylines.
In your spare time, google the ingredients in all the foods you are eating. If you care about yourself, you may change your menu
You can get pictures into what people are sort of thinking about others. Just go onto Google and type 'Why are Indians' and then look for the autocomplete.
That's what Google taught me. Aim higher. Udacity is my playground - to radically experiment and find out. I've seen the light.
Memory works according to meaning, and when something is important to you, the Google in your brain brings it forward all of a sudden.
I have this desire to create things and build things, and Google has enabled me to build and create things and to build products that are used by people all over the globe.
I have never ever Googled myself; in fact I think the Christian right prohibits such things.
An important reason Google is usually listed among the world's most trusted brands is that it conveys a sense that the user comes first.
I am pretty anal about not crazy Googling myself, and searching. I am sure there are all kinds of horrible things being said that I am not aware of.
Google has already tested robot cars in San Francisco. If they can navigate San Francisco, they can probably manage just about anywhere.
I credit Google for having the foresight to identify threats to its main business of selling advertising against search results. The potential loss of market share in the mobile space led them to the Android acquisition.
If an Internet company steals content, they shut it down. And let me tell you, Apple France, Yahoo France or Google France, none of them have gone out of business.
When we started Skype, if you look at analyst reports, no one forecasted it as a big business. Also when Google started, it was not fashionable to be in search. It's not trying to do the obvious - that's the hard part.
What Google did in Web 1.0 was take a feature, which was search, and built an entire business around that utility. In Web 2.0, Twitter took a feature, which is sharing, and built a utility that allowed people to do that on a massive scale.
I think Google is a great company, and they're doing really cool things. But they're not doing things that are going to put us, I think, into the next generation of technology.