Evil people can still keep promises. Many have done just that, girl, though they are usually not promises you ‘rational’ people wish them to keep.
You are your own beginning. Every day, every hour, every minute, you start again. There is no point wishing you were someone else, you are who you are—start there.
Sometimes I wish I could sneak a peek into that mind of yours and see what you’re thinking. Especially when you smile at me like that. ~ Oliver Sand
Ruth wiped her eyes. Successful at a price? Forgiven but damaged? She wished so much more for her baby sister.
We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universe, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act.
Holy hell," Shawn whispered, his eyes glued to Ziang's front. Particularly to what Ziang have between his legs. "Dude, where's your dick?
The essence in obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view himself as an instrument for carrying out another person's wishes and he therefore no longer regards himself as responsible for his actions.
You can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back.
This little girl's grown up by now," she said. Almost. Not quite. I wish you all a long and happy life.
Not to do as the child wishes would be wrong because he is born on a path, and it would be evil, a crime against nature to make him deny his spirit.
... the Iroquois take dreams very seriously. They see them as the secret wishes of the soul--the heart's desire, so to speak. Not all dreams, maybe, but the important ones. [p.254]
Beware what you wish for, unless you have the grace to hope that your luck can be shared.
In her spare time she scribbled her thoughts, wishes and dreams, life and times. It kept her sane despite her loneliness.
If the library in the morning suggests an echo of the severe and reasonable wishful order of the world, the library at night seems to rejoice in the world's essential, joyful muddle.
Should I tell her of the moments of joy, the intense pleasure of holding the hand of the one you love and wishing that time would stand still?
I thought about being a teacher for three thousand years. It wouldn’t have made my Top Ten Things to Wish For list.
It was as natural as breathing to all human beings, and to all warm-blooded creatures, for that matter, to wish quick deaths for monsters. This was an instinct.
If you wish success in life, make perseverance you bosom friend, experience your wise councellor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
Times are not what they were, and we cannot be, either. If you sit and wish for what you want, you may not see it this side of the grave.
I wanted to believe that Makandal flew away, but my wishes can’t fly freely so. They’re rooted to the ground like me, who eats salt.
I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,' she opined, 'like having someone else break in one's own pony.