Between the wish and the thing life lies waiting.
George, who is out somewhere there in the dark, who is good to me - whom I revile, who can keep learning the games we play as quickly as I can change them. Who can make me happy and I do not wish to be happy. And yes, I do wish to be happy. George an...
[Caron calls London, Assistant Commisioner Mallinsion at 3:58 in the morning] Mallinson: I don't wish to sound rude, Inspector, but wouldn't it be better if this sort of routine inquiry could be conducted through the proper channels, preferably when ...
Wishes are possibilities. Dare to make a wish.
I wish my teammates, coaches and the entire Lions organization all the best.
I wish I could be behind the wheel for every stunt.
I wish I could have skipped college.
There are so many people I wish I could have met:
I want and I wish a love like of books
I wish I had a lot of tattoos.
I wish I knew what I know now before.
I wish I were stronger in areas. Not so consumed or distracted.
I wish for a life with love and never ending dream.
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.
If something is true, no amount of wishful thinking will change it.
I wish people would spend their money on hybrid cars.
I wish everybody was just ethnically ambiguous. It would make life a lot easier.
I can die when I wish to: that is my elixir of life.
I wish we could be 100% shielded from danger, but nothing is in life.
I wish I had more time to read. I do love books.
I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then.