My wife, Bojana, is a doctor; we both work intense hours and have months when we barely see each other. It isn't easy, but we realize nobody said it was supposed to be!
My wife and daughters work. My campaign manager in 2005 was a working mother. I appointed 5 women to my senior staff as Attorney General.
You don't stop thinking about women just because your wife dies. It's terrible, but you know. I just want the hugs, the kisses. A kiss!
All short women have a delayed fuse. Marry a taller woman: My wife was an inch or two taller than me; it's a sign of security.
Big words seldom accompany good deeds.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Nothing ages more than a good deed.
Better a good conscience without wisdom than wisdom without a good conscience.
I hate a jovial table companion with a good memory.
If you commence a good action, leave it not incomplete.
Try to be in good company, even when you are alone.
Good company on the road is the shortest of short cuts.
A good reputation is better than a golden girdle.
All things are becoming to good people.
A good friend is often better than a brother.
Money will buy you everything but good sense.
You've to celebrate the good days because there are brutal days that make the good ones sweet.
Would you pour sand into the gas tank of your car? Of course not, your car was meant to run on good gasoline. Well, your body works the same way. Your body was meant to run on good food: fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and lots of water. Eat good f...
It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel goo...
Baseball is a good thing. Always was, always will be.
Not all good things come from good people.