It is just that I don't want a wife and I don't want kids.
It's better when you have your wife with you, more fun.
I know at the beginning of our careers, my wife and I were gut wrenchingly competitive.
A perfect wife is one who doesn't expect a perfect husband.
My wife tells me I need to learn to be more patient with my son.
My wife accuses me - and she's probably right - that I'm sometimes oversensitive.
I'll be a wife and mother first, then First Lady.
I just had to block someone on Facebook who was impersonating my wife.
I was not raised to be someone's wife. I was raised so that things should be evenly distributed.
The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace.
There's just me and my wife and a dog and we feed him Healthy Choice also.
Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant.
I'm leaving because I want to spend more time with my wife in Chicago.
Yes, I travel in unusual circles. George Osborne and his wife Frances are my cousins.
I have sons, and they have never said the word hell in front of me or my wife. That's the truth.
Graf Orlok: Is this your wife? What a lovely throat.
I've stepped more into my womanhood, I'm a mother now, I'm having a beautiful relationship as a wife and as a friend.
Well I live in Vienna with my wife and son, and I teach in Hamburg, there will be no changes in that respect.
My wife determined that my genius should prevail, and that my final success as an ornithologist should be triumphant.
I'm crazy about Shakespeare, who was a notorious word inventor. And my wife is an English teacher, and she's hilarious.
I have a strong marriage, and my wife and I love each other.