Summer, dropping so easily a delicious everything upon your skin and lips. Like a never-ending kiss - taunting, deep, and luscious.
The Number One Rule of Working Is: DO THE BEST WORK YOU CAN. Why do anything but your best? What's the point?
I travel because life is short, and I will not wait for fear of death or sanctuary to become a prison of my own making.
I travel not only for the passion and madness and desire of movement, but because travel, like bread and water and air, becomes necessary to a life fully dreamed and lived.
But more importantly in my book of life, it's what you can't buy with money that is often more important than what you can buy.
Walk with me now into this very bright night, and revere with me in silence what must be God-given and what is surely God-taken.
Let my memories of you be like water on the moon. A beautiful impossibility - but allowing me to sleep and dream of infinite beginnings rather than Othello endings.
It’s a heck of a responsibility to look after a spirit. So give kids the best of who you are. That’s the most you can ever do.
I can FEEL her next to me. This UNION. Of WARMTH. Of CARING. Of the INDESCRIBABLE. As if there were NO PARTING and NEVER could be.
Money-it can buy your kids anything, but it cannot teach them love, respect, and the true value of living life without things.
Do not give a damn what "they" have to say (and you will know who they are) for you are either very right or very wrong, but at least you are very something.
Older doesn't always mean wiser. It just means that you've had more time to do the same things over and over again- right, wrong, and different.
Part of loving kids is laying down fencelines. They need to know immediately when they've crossed a line; otherwise the lesson doesn't get learned.
You might want more time in your life to attempt the things you like to do, and not just perform the things you have to do.
I gather the last remnants of the evening’s breeze, so cool and lazy within my arms, feeling it curl up like a small and innocent kitten.
I remember once kissing you, your face lit by northern stars. Promising to grow old with you, and now so simply breaking the promise.
I have three older brothers, and we all have different combinations of parents. My father was the best man at my mom's first wedding! And my brother's mother - my dad's first wife - is the sister to my mom's first husband's second wife. So my brother...
When I need my wife or when I need companionship or someone to talk to, I need it, like, now. So my wife will have to give up whatever she's doing at that moment to tend to my needs. And, in the same way, I would tend to hers. That's not such an easy...
My wife allowed me to build an animation studio in our house, and I'm always in there. The great thing is that my wife will come down and do the voices for me, and I'll animate it. But then if we're upstairs, and she wants to watch something like 'Fo...
I was very proud to be Mrs. Curtis Amy. My thing in life when I married Curtis Amy was being Mrs. Curtis Amy. Career was fine, but I was enthralled with being Curtis' wife. That was very important to me back then, and that's always important to a you...
The real mystery of marriage is not that husband and wife love each other so much that they can recognize God in each other's lives, but more because God loves them so much that they can discover each other more and more as living reminder's of God's...