It's not about my career now. It's just about finding great work and having a good time.
It's important to me if I'm having a good time than I feel like the work is better. The quality of it is better and my level of interest is higher.
I cannot improve on those spoken for many years by a true legend who preceded me at CBS News. He would say, simply, 'good night, and good luck.'
Like you do about Nelson Mandela, you can't help feeling the guy's a good man.
I don't care if I die - look, I'm old - but you want your kids to have good times and a good life.
I was not good at team sports, I have to say. I'm quite good at individual sports, but I was not good at team sports, so I wasn't good at baseball and football.
Success doesn't mean that you are healthy, success doesn't mean that you're happy, success doesn't mean that you're rested. Success really doesn't mean that you look good, or feel good, or are good.
. . . You are good. But is is not enough to be good. You must be good for something. The world must be a better place for your presence and the good that is in you must be spread to others.
A Good Leader Promotes Peace,Not War. A Good Leader Is For The People,Not For Himself. A Good Leader Does Not Watch His People Suffer.
There's no way of knowing that your last good day is Your Last Good Day. At the time, it is just another good day.
To be let go from a soap opera is the most embarrassing confidence basher in the world. It's like, 'Oh, if I'm not good enough for that, I'm not good enough for anything.'
Dr. Frederick Treves: Am I a good man? Or a bad man?
[last lines] Louis: Looking good, Billy Ray! Billy Ray: Feeling good, Louis!
Good friends are priceless. You get to know who they are when they stick by you in good and bad times!
A dutiful wife enables a good man to add her hands to his own for self-applause.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not money, I am become as a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so ...
A strange thing happened to me in my dream. I was rapt into the Seventh Heaven. There sat all the gods assembled. As a special dispensation I was granted the favor to have one wish. "Do you wish for youth," said Mercury, "or for beauty, or power, or ...
For the sake of one good action, a hundred evil ones should be forgotten.
Just as tall trees are known by their shadows, so are good men known by their enemies.
What is bad luck for one man is good luck for another.
Give me good advice but don't advise me not to do it.