Cooper: You don't believe we went to the Moon? Ms. Kelly: I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, that the Soviets bankrupted themselves pouring resources into rockets and other useless machines... Cooper: Useless machines? Ms. Kelly: And i...
Murph: Hi, Dad. Cooper: Hey, Murph. Murph: You son of a bitch. I never made one of these when you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And then when you went quiet, I feel like I should've lived with that decision, and I hav...
Edna: It will be bold! Dramatic! Bob: Yeah! Edna: Heroic! Bob: Yeah. Something classic, like, like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots... Edna: [throws a wadded ball of paper at Bob's head] No capes! Bob: Isn't that my decisi...
Barry the Baptist: [answering his phone] What? Dean: I thought you said there'd be no staff Barry! Barry the Baptist: Did you get those guns? Dean: You wanna see what they did to poor Gary? [calling out to a delirious Gary] Dean: Gary? Gary? Barry th...
Harvey Milk: Not a good time, Don. Paul: This is Paul. Don just gave me the phone. Harvey Milk: Paul who? Paul: You spoke to me on the phone, a year or so ago. I'm in a wheelchair. I'm from Minnesota. Harvey Milk: I thought you were a goner Paul. Pau...
Herb Brooks: Come on in boys. John 'Bah' Harrington: You wanted to see us, Coach. Herb Brooks: I'm thinking about keeping the three of you together on the same line. Everyone ok with that? Buzz Schneider: Yeah. John 'Bah' Harrington: Sure. Mark Pavel...
Jack O'Callahan: [walking up to Craig, who's reading the tryout roster] Jimmy Craig. Jim Craig: Hey, Jack. Jack O'Callahan: What's up, you sieve? Jim Craig: [shakes hands] How's it going? Jack O'Callahan: Good. Jim Craig: [referring to tryout roster]...
Vinny Gambini: [Trotter asks Vinny how he became a lawyer] Well, I got a bullshit traffic ticket. I went to court, I got the cop on the stand, and I argued with him until he admitted he was wrong. And the judge, this Judge Malloy. All the while he's ...
Helmut Grokenberger: [Yoyo and Helmut happen to be wearing markedly similar winter hats] We have the same... we have the same hat. Yoyo: What? Helmut Grokenberger: The same hat. Yoyo: No, no no, mine's different. Helmut Grokenberger: Oh no, it's the ...
Diana Christensen: I was married for four years, and pretended to be happy; and I had six years of analysis, and pretended to be sane. My husband ran off with his boyfriend, and I had an affair with my analyst, who told me I was the worst lay he'd ev...
Noodles: We gotta reorganize, Max. And I got a couple of good ideas... Max: Me too. Eve: If I had a million bucks, I'd take it easy. Max: We'll take it easy when we got twenty... fifty! Noodles: Where're you gonna get THAT? Max: Right here... [draws ...
Rusty: I need the reason. And don't say money. Why do this? Danny: Why not do it? [Rusty shakes his head] Danny: Cause yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking "Teen Beat" cover boys. [pause] Dann...
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: When I let myself feel, all I feel is lousy. Dr. Berger: Oh well excuse me, I never promised you a rose garden. Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh fuck you Berger. Dr. Berger: What? Conrad "Con" Jarrett: FUCK YOU! Dr. Berger: Hey, that's ...
Kelly: [Josie has walked into the saloon in Santa Rio] What'll you have? Josey Wales: Whiskey. Rose: [laughing] Maybe you'd like somethin' else. Josey Wales: Beer? Kelly: Been a long time since somebody ordered a drink in San Rio. Ten Spot: Been a lo...
King: [while cleaning the latrines] I'm too short for this shit, man. 39 and a wake-up, a pause for the cause and I'm a gone motherfucker. Back to the world! Crawford: Hey, I broke a hundred the other day, 92 left to go. April 17th, home to Californi...
[Jack sees Mr. Cotton's parot] Jack Sparrow: Well! I'm actually feeling rather good about this. I think we all arrived at a very special place eh? [Governor acts disgusted] Jack Sparrow: Spiritually. Ecumenically. Grammatically. [Walks over to Common...
Jack Sparrow: What's your name? Will Turner: Will Turner. Jack Sparrow: That would be short for William, I imagine. Good strong name, no doubt named for your father, eh? Will Turner: Yes. Jack Sparrow: Well Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you sp...
Angela Oakhurst: I disagree strongly with that finding. Your Honor, I think that Charlie needs to find his own way. Not on our time, but on Charlie's time, and I think that will happen. He'll find people that will fill his life again. Not today, but ...
[Following Lauda's press conference, Hunt approaches the British journalist that offended Lauda] British Journalish: James, are you all right? James Hunt: Good, yeah. Listen, I think I've got something for you on that last question, about Niki. Briti...
Django: [showing the exterminator shop to Remy with the dead rats in the window] Take a good long look, Remy. This is what happens when a rat gets a little too comfortable around humans. The world we live in belongs to the enemy. We must live careful...
Coach Boone: Are your parents here? Bertier: There's my mother. Coach Boone: Good. [nods his head at Gerry's mom] Coach Boone: You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team a...