Those who can't dance say the music is no good.
If you wait long enough, it will be good weather.
It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it.
Power acquired by guilt was never used for a good purpose.
A good backside will easily find a bench to sit on.
A good cow gets sold in its own country.
A good mule can be sold in his own territory.
The good cow gets sold in its own country.
A good tree can lodge ten thousand birds.
Someone else's legs are no good to you when you're travelling.
He who does no evil does a lot of good.
What's good is often forgotten; what's bad is often hidden.
Look for the good and let the bad things come on their own.
The pig's tail will never make a good arrow.
We do not know what is good until we have lost it.
Lend to God and the earth -- they both pay good interest.
What good is a golden gallows if they are going to hang you.
With one stump you can't make a good fire.
In calm water every ship has a good captain.
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.
If it must always be better, it can never be good enough.