When life is good do not take it for granted as it will pass. Be mindful, be compassionate and nurture the circumstances that find you in this good time so it will last longer. When life falls apart always remember that this too will pass. Life will ...
One thing work gives is the joy of not working, a minute here or there when I stand and only breathe, receiving the good of the air. It comes back. Good work done comes back into the mind, a free breath drawn.
tingkat dan sifat seksualitas seseorang meluas sampai puncak semangatnya
Man liebt zuletzt seine Begierde, und nicht das Begehrte.
Good deeds are permanent footprints.
Adversity is a good opportunity for self-realisation.
I had to create some good work habits and attitude.
The last good time always comes
All good work requires self-revelation.
I'm not a very good writer. But I'm a HELLUVA re-writer.
A story isn't a good one unless it has a good listener
I silently smiled at my incessant good fortune.
All the GOOD things doesn't comes in a single package.
A good judge is not one who is impartial, but one who has prejudice for good.
Any day above ground is a good day.
Nothing that is good can become stuck – and if it is stuck, it can’t be any good!
The good thing about problems is that they all have solutions.
Good is not good, where better is expected.
If you don't smell good, then you don't look good.
If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you're rich.
Being a good example is the best form of service.