The ego is a palpable body part in an attorney, perhaps the most prominent body part.
Case of a Lifetime: A Criminal Defense Lawyer's StoryWhat do you want?" "You." His voice was soft, low. His eyes were intense and watchful.
Darkest Flame: Part 4Australian History: .... does not read like history, but like the most beautiful lies.
Following the Equator - Part 7And then I know I'm being a man, not just some kid who's upset and wants it his way.
The First Part LastWhat part of Canada are you from, honey?" "THE LEFT PART," said Jay.
Fat Vampire: A Never Coming of Age StoryThe best part about vomiting is that right after you do, you can continue eating.
99 Cents For Some NonsenseJoy is a marvelous increasing of what exists, a pure addition out of nothingness.
Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and ProseHowever, what he wanted was impossible: the serenity of the Gods cannot be achieved by the sword.
The Invisible Hands - Part 2: CastlingThere always seem to be very rich people, no matter how poor the country,” Thenoclon said.
The Invisible Hands - Part 2: Castling