Brody: Marion's the least of your worries right now, believe me, Indy. Indiana: What do you mean? Brody: Well, I mean that for nearly three thousand years man has been searching for the lost ark. It's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows i...
Jim Stark: Now, would you like to rent or are you more in the mood to buy, dear? Judy: You decide, darling. Remember, our budget. Plato: Oh, don't give it a second thought, it's, uh, only 3 million dollars a month. Jim Stark: What? Judy: Oh, we can a...
Nice Guy Eddie: Did you see that, daddy? Joe: What? Nice Guy Eddie: That guy got me on the ground and he tried to fuck me. Mr. Blonde: You wish. Nice Guy Eddie: Listen, Vic. Whatever you wanna do in the privacy of your own home, go do it. But don't t...
Joe: With the exception of Eddie and myself, whom you already know, we're going to be using aliases on this job. Under no circumstances do I want any one of you to relate to each other by your Christian names, and I don't want any talk about yourself...
Father: There was this English butler out in India. One day, he goes in the dining room and what does he see under the table ? A tiger. Not turning a hair, he goes straight to the drawing room. "Hum, hum. Excuse me, my lord," and whispering, so as no...
Gusteau: [Remy is locked in a cage] So, we have given up. Remy: Why do you say that? Gusteau: We are in a cage, inside a car trunk, awaiting a future in frozen food products. Remy: No, I'm the one in a cage. I've given up. You... are free. Gusteau: I...
Police Officer at Gluttony crime scene: Nothing's been touched. Everything's like I found it. William Somerset: What time was death established? Police Officer at Gluttony crime scene: Like I said, I didn't touch anything... but he's had his face in ...
[Darth Vader has just learned of Admiral Ozzel's big blunder, and activates a viewscreen] Admiral Ozzel: [appearing onscreen with Captain Piett] Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed and we're preparing to... [Ozzel stops, and suddenly be...
[Tony is on a payphone describing the botched drug deal involving Hector the Toad] Tony Montana: [into the phone] Yeah, it was a setup. Bunch of cowboys. Somebody fucked up somewhere. Fuckin' Columbians. They never wanted to make the sale. They only ...
Claire Kane: Oops, excuse me, sweetie. I really like the Wymans, don't you? Stuart Kane: Who? Claire Kane: The doctor and his wife, Marian. Ralph, I think his name. You know, the ones from the concert. Stuart Kane: He seems kind of lofty. You're off ...
[last lines] James T. Kirk: There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are... Wh...
Jack: I might be in love with another woman. Miles Raymond: In love? Really? 24 hours with some wine-pourer chick and you're fucking in love? Come on! And you're gonna give up everything? Jack: Here's what I'm thinking: you and me, we move up here, w...
[Dragon, having a crush on Donkey, is cuddling him] Donkey: [desperately talking] I don't want to rush into a... physical relationship... I'm not that emotionally ready for a... uh... commitment of this... uh... magnitude! Really, that's the word I'm...
Shane: I gotta be going on. Joey: Why, Shane? Shane: A man has to be what he is, Joey. Can't break the mould. I tried it and it didn't work for me. Joey: We want you, Shane. Shane: Joey, there's no living with... with a killing. There's no going back...
[At Q's lab, Q and Tanner try to create a false trail for Silva to follow] Q: It's a fine line. If the breadcrumb's too small, then he might miss it. Too big, and Silva will smell a rat. Tanner: Yes, but you'd think even Silva will be able to spot th...
[Sweeney Todd enters Mrs. Lovett's Pie Shop] Mrs. Lovett: A customer! [starts singing] Mrs. Lovett: Wait! What's your rush? / What's your hurry? / You gave me such a... / Fright. I thought you was a ghost. / Half a minute, can'tcha? / Sit! Sit you do...
Spock Prime: You are, in fact, the Mr. Scott who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming? Scotty: That's what I'm talking about! How do you think I wound up here? Had a little debate with my instructor on relativistic physics and how it pertains t...
Kyle: Ok. Let's try this one more time. Ready, Ike? Kick the baby! Ike Broflovski: Don't kick the baby. Kyle: Kick the baby! [Kicks Ike through a window, causing it to shatter] Sheila Broflovski: Ike! You broke ANOTHER window! That's a bad baby! Baaa...
[Arriving back from their first date] Aurora Greenway: Would you like to come in? Garrett Breedlove: I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. Aurora Greenway: Everything would have been just fine, you know, if you hadn't gotten drunk. I was... I... I jus...
Randolph Duke: [Valentine overhears the Dukes talking in the bathroom] Pay up, Mortimer. I've won the bet. Mortimer Duke: Here, one dollar. Randolph Duke: [chuckling] We took a perfectly useless psychopath like Valentine, and turned him into a succes...
Interrogator: I am instructed to inform you that you have been convicted by special tribunal and that unless you are ready to offer your cooperation you are to be executed. Do you understand what I'm telling you? Evey Hammond: Yes. Interrogator: Are ...