Having a good discussion is like having riches.
You won't see a good drunk in a teahouse.
God grant me a good sword and no use for it.
No one is a good judge of his own case.
A good bee will not go to a drooping flower.
Acorns were good till bread was found.
A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
One good daughter is worth seven sons.
A bad reaper never gets a good sickle.
Better a good hope than a bad possession.
God is a good worker but He loves to be helped.
Goodness speaks in a whisper, evil shouts.
Conscience is the nest where all good is hatched.
To fall off a good horse is at least worthwhile.
Is the music broke, Mommy?
Punk was defined by an attitude rather than a musical style.
I started playing music at a pretty young age.
More than art, more than literature, music is universally accessible.
But in the end, music is ultimately an aural art, pure and simple.
For in music there is no material to be deducted.
With you, there's always music.