Since the beginning of LearnVest, I've never left the office for food.
I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage.
My mother and I always had full adult communication.
You keep shooting. You hope it goes in, and you smile.
My ultimate joy and happiness is being a wife and mother.
My dad was my hero. And I got my personality from my mother.
No man is responsible for his father. That was entirely his mother's affair.
My stepfather and my mother, I love them to death.
Don't fear the terrorists. They're mothers and fathers.
We are oceans apart. My mother had a very difficult life.
My mother was a cleaning lady all her life.
When my mother passed away I was 20.
I just want Beyonce to be the mother of my children.
My mother was a journalist, so writing is not unnatural to me.
My father is Indonesian Timorese, my mother Aboriginal Australian.
The great-great-grandfather of my mother was probably using gelatins.
An idle tongue is the mother of all conflicts.
Be curious! Curiosity is the mother of all knowledge.
Shakespeare is like mother's milk to me.
I travel like a gypsy, and I didn't know how I could perform and be a mother.
I love my mother. I do love her.