Sushi Bar Assistant: [Japanese] What'd ya want? The Bride: [English] I beg your pardon? Hattori Hanzo: [English] Oh..."drink" [makes drinking motion with hand] The Bride: [English] Oh, yes, a bottle of warm sake please. Hattori Hanzo: [English] Warm ...
Press Conference Reporter: Mr. President, has it been a good visit? The President: Very satisfactory indeed. We got what we came for, and our special relationship is still very special. Press Conference Reporter: Prime Minister? Prime Minister: I lov...
Adult Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long. [Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick] Adult Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for? Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in ...
Gandalf: There is one other who knew Bilbo had the Ring. I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum, but the enemy found him first. I don't know how long they tortured him, but through the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words: ...
Maggie Fitzgerald: I'm 32, Mr. Dunn, and I'm here celebrating the fact that I spent another year scraping dishes and waitressing which is what I've been doing since 13, and according to you, I'll be 37 before I can even throw a decent punch, which I ...
Jimmy: So... Billy, what are you in for? Hash? Billy Hayes: Yeah. Jimmy: Where'd they get you? Billy Hayes: The airport... trying to get home. Jimmy: You go through customs? Billy Hayes: Yeah, I was busted right at the plane. Jimmy: Aw, man that's he...
Mr. Hayes: All right, Billy. I know it sounds tought, but we are going to get you out! I promise you. I don't want you to get stupid and pull anything. They can play with your sentence. All right. Now, I'm putting 500 dollars in the bank. Anything yo...
Mrs. Hendy: Do all philosophers have an S in them? Mr. Hendy: Yeah I think most of them do. Mrs. Hendy: Oh... Does that mean Selina Jones is a philosopher? Mr. Hendy: Yeah... Right, she could be... she sings about the Meaning of Life. Mrs. Hendy: Yea...
Maria the cleaning woman: I used to work in the Académie Française / but it didn't do me any good at all. / And I once worked in the library in the Prado in Madrid / But it didn't teach me nothing I recall. / And the Library of Congress you would h...
Billy Beane: It's hard not to be romantic about baseball. This kind of thing, it's fun for the fans. It sells tickets and hot dogs. Doesn't mean anything. Peter Brand: Billy, we just won twenty games in a row. Billy Beane: And what's the point? Peter...
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, do you have anything to say, Banks? George Banks: Well, sir, they do say that when there's nothing to say, all you can say... [He feels Michael's tuppence in his pocket, takes it out and looks at it] Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, B...
Estate Agent: That's your sofa, which also doubles up as a bed, which is great, you know, cause you can be watching some telly and you ain't got to hassle having to get outta the bedroom, you can just open it up, get your kip. Kitchen just through th...
Vinny Gambini: [answering the phone] Hello? D.A. Jim Trotter: [into the phone] You did good out there today, Yankee. I like the competition. You like competition, too? Makes things kinds fun, doesn't it? Vinny Gambini: I'm enjoying myself so far. D.A...
Rev. Harry Powell: [when he notices John staring at the words "love" and "hate" tattooed across his knuckles] Ah, little lad, you're staring at my fingers. Would you like me to tell you the little story of right-hand/left-hand? The story of good and ...
Sharkey: You boys got yourself a real martyr for a friend. Make it work for you. Patrick 'Patsy' Goldberg: Yeah, but what are we going to do with a martyr? Sharkey: Times change. Prohibition won't last much longer. Take it from me, a lot of you will ...
Calvin "Cal" Jarrett: He just wants to know that you don't hate him. Beth Jarrett: Hate him! How could I hate him? Mothers don't hate their sons! Is that what he told you? You see how you believe everything he tells you? And you can't do the same for...
Pomade Vendor: I can get the part from Bristol. It'll take two weeks, here's your pomade. Ulysses Everett McGill: Two weeks? That don't do me no good. Pomade Vendor: Nearest Ford auto man's Bristol. Ulysses Everett McGill: Hold on, I don't want this ...
King: Thirty nine and a wake-up, a pause for the cause, and I'm a gone motherfucker! Back to the world! Crawford: I hear you, man. Broke 100 the other day. King: No shit. Crawford: Ninety-two left to go. April 17, heroes, man. Home to California. I'l...
Hiss: Sire, taxes are pouring in, the jail is full. Oh and good news, Sire. Friar Tuck is in jail. Prince John: [Angry] Friar Tuck? It's Robin Hood I want, you idiot! Oh, I'd give all my gold if I could get my hands on. Did you say, Friar Tuck? Hiss:...
[in Rose Klebb's Istanbul office] Rosa Klebb: Corporal, I have chosen you for an important assignment. It's purpose is to give false information to the enemy. If you complete it successfully, you will be promoted. [referring to a picture of James Bon...
Remy: I can't believe it. A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch. Gusteau: You've read my book. Let us see how much you know, huh? Which one is the chef? Remy: Uh... Oh, that guy. Gusteau: Very good. Who is next in command? Remy: The sous chef......