Maternity leave and parental leave is absolutely vital for strengthening families. It's an issue for men and women.
The apostles were moved, not so much by an intellectual apprehension, as by a spiritual illumination. They met men, and the need of those men whom they met cried aloud to them.
No poll can equal the day-to-day visits of the men and women of the Democratic Party.
Human beings are creators, flinging powerful images into the minds of their fellow men. And all of these images are built of tiny particles of thought.
A fool can throw a stone in a pond that 100 wise men can not get out.
More than 48 million men and women have served America well and faithfully in military uniform.
When women are angry at men, they call them heartless. When men are angry at women, they call them crazy. Sometimes it doesn't stop there.
The only genuine elite is the elite of those men and women who gave their lives to justice and charity.
And the success of the union movement, historically, has always been to benefit all working men and women - not just people who belong to the union.
Sometimes I think women are lucky because they can develop in ways men can't. The old-boy network may be oppressive to women, but it actually stunts men in terms of personal growth.
So we've moved from an era when women's biology was women's destiny to today, which is an era in which men's biology is men's destiny.
Only the consciousness of a purpose that is mightier than any man and worthy of all men can fortify and inspirit and compose the souls of men.
Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind.
Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.
The Beatles were a group made up of four very complex men, and my small hand could not have broken these men up.
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.
If I am disobeying orders, I'd rather be with God against men than with men against God.
At the unconscious level, Americans believe that good people succeed, that success is bestowed upon you by God. Your success demonstrates that God loves you.
A determined Yankee book drummer once told a Southerner that 'a set of books on scientific agriculture' would teach him to 'farm twice as good as you do.' To which the Southerner replied: 'Hell, son, I don't farm half as good as I know how now.
Things that we do every day make up who we are and the results we have in our life. Bank accounts collect from constant deposits and good health is achieved or maintained from what we put into our bodies daily.
It's not easy, pairing yourself off with someone forever. It's an admirable thing, and I'm glad you're both doing it, but, boy-oh-girl-oh, there will be days you wish you'd never done it. And those will be the good times, when it's only days of regre...