Making movies, you're like an independent contractor - you come in, you have a specific job, and a lot of what you do is completely manipulated, which is good and bad.
I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book
Firstly and foremost: be good to you, be good to others, when that is done with love, doing everything else becomes easier.
Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Galloway: You put him on the stand and you get it from him! Kaffee: Oh, we get it from him! Yes! No problem! We get it from him. [turns to Sam as if he were Jessup on the stand] Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, isn't it true that you ordered the Code Red on S...
Kaffee: Did you assault Santiago with the intent of killing him? Dawson: No, sir. Kaffee: What was your intent. Dawson: To train him, sir. Kaffee: To train him to do what? Dawson: To train him to think of the unit before himself. To respect the code....
To the aimless man all men are equal, but to him with purpose some men are seed and others weed
Most gay men are as sexist in their thinking as are heterosexuals. Their patriarchal thinking leads them to construct paradigms of desirable sexual behaviour that is similar to that of patriarchal straight men.
Men who desire the flesh seek the sensual. Men who desire the soul seek the soul. Men who desire the mind seek the brainy. But only few men desire the soul and the mind without the flesh.
There are men who wants only the woman; such are tagged, 'real men', and there are ones who want only their bodies; such are tagged, 'fake men', and there are others who wants neither the woman, nor the body; such are tagged, 'GAY MEN
Crafty men condemn studies; Simple men admire them; And wise men use them: For they teach not their own use: but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.
It was men who stopped slavery. It was men who ran up the stairs in the Twin Towers to rescue people. It was men who gave up their seats on the lifeboats of the Titanic. Men are made to take risks and live passionately on behalf of others.
I truly believe that women should be financially independent from their men. And let's face it, money gives men the power to run the show. It gives men the power to define value. They define what's sexy. And men define what's feminine. It's ridiculou...
You may be assured that we won't ever let your words die. Like the words of our Master, Jesus Christ, they will live in our minds and our hearts and in the souls of black men and white men, brown men and yellow men as long as time shall last.
I am always on the edge of what I am doing. I do everything badly, sloppily, to get it over with so that I can get on to the next thing that I will do badly and sloppily so that I can then do nothing - which I do anxiously, distractedly, wondering al...
Men recorded their experiences and called it history; men looked about the world and called their observations science; men wondered about the existence of God and the problem of evil and called their speculations theology; men did handiwork and call...
Tell me what you do with the food you eat, and I'll tell you who you are. Some turn their food into fat and manure, some into work and good humor, and others, I'm told, into God. So there must be three sorts of men. I'm not one of the worst, boss, no...
We do tend to overreact when we feel threatened. Men, I mean.
My dad was very fun and very adventurous, and from a formative age I learned to value men who would do things on a whim.
Men cannot grieve as dogs do. But they grieve for many years.
Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.