How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he has planted.
I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?
It seems that American patriotism measures itself against an outcast group. The right Americans are the right Americans because they're not like the wrong Americans, who are not really Americans.
Most Italians who came to this country are very patriotic. There was this exciting possibility that if you worked real hard, and you loved something, you could become successful.
Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers.
Most significantly, the fullness of the priesthood contained in the highest ordinances of the house of the Lord can be received only by a man and woman together.
What I do is between me and the Lord, to examine and possibly alter the state of grace in which I live, and thereby the state of grace of anybody who listens.
Let us build for the tomorrow, build a nation strong and free; and the Lord who dwells above us, He will bless our destiny".
The Lord has to break us down at the strongest part of our self-life before He can have His own way of blessing us.
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it." ( , May 16, 1767)
La Economía de la Vanidad vende productos -hazaña, y vende servicios hazaña. La Economía de la Vanidad vende la oportunidad de tener prestigio social. martín ross.
I can do nothing without His help. Oh, Lord, what ignorance thinking everything was wealth.
A severe though not unfriendly critic of our institutions said that the cure for admiring the House of Lords was to go and look at it.
Short stories are fiction's R & D department, and failed or less-than-conclusive experiments are not just to be expected but to be hoped for.
Memo to extreme partisans: If you can't bring yourselves to love your enemies, can you at least learn to hate your friends?
When Loughner himself speaks and we find out his real influences are Spiderman, 'Gnome Chomsky,' Taylor Swift, and Dr. Bronner, then what?
@bobbybaird i'm a writer, so are you. we try to compose our thoughts and words for effect as well as sense. vain of us? a bit.
Lord, deliver me from the man who never makes a mistake, and also from the man who makes the same mistake twice.
Prior to my election, young Cherokee girls would never have thought that they might grow up and become chief.
America would be a better place if leaders would do more long-term thinking.
The whole house came up and I came up with it... I was just praying to the Lord to take care of me.