Any given censor is a fool. The very fact that he is a censor indicates that.
Anthony Comstock: Roundsman of the LordPsychoanalytic insight, Miller seems to suggest, is itself a pathological symptom.
Are You My Mother?Jesus "...It sounds like these guys would be filed under Assholes Who do Evil Shit in My Name.
HammeredA person with taste is merely one who can recognize the greatest beauty in the simplest things.
Her Own RulesMadelyne, we're married now. 'Tis a usual occurrence to bed one's wife on the wedding night.
Honor's SplendourFor the wages of sin is Death, but the gift of God is everlasting Life in Christ Jesus or LORD.
Holy Bible: King James VersionShe (his future wife) was so deep into the Lord's presence that I felt like an outsider.
I Still BelieveWatch over Honoria, will you? See she doesn't marry an idiot. (Daniel Smythe-Smith)
Just Like HeavenWhy do we say ‘the cockles of your heart’?” David said. “Nothing to do with whelks, I suppose.
King of the Badgers