I like the idea that my audience doesn't see what I do as controversial.
Philosophy: Impersonal anxiety; refuge among anemic ideas.
I've definitely had ideas and plans that sometimes exceed my means and capabilities.
I put my ideas into practice. That may be the reason people hate me.
Life-transforming ideas have always come to me through books.
Expanding Medicaid without fixing Medicaid is a terrible idea.
America is not just a country, it's an idea, and real Americans are getting busy.
Science is the best idea humans have ever had.
If I get an idea for a song, I have a melody for it. I'm a musician first. I'm not limited by the fretboard.
Self-complacency is pleasure accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause.
If Google teaches you anything, it's that small ideas can be big.
I just fell into the Dylanesque idea of recording. He is real fast.
My idea of baking is buying a ready-make cake mix and throwing in an egg.
In these times we fight for ideas and newspapers are our fortress.
Only the ideas that we really live have any value.
Obviously, this whole 'no child left behind' idea is more rhetoric than actual practice.
A cold in the head causes less suffering than an idea.
And is usually true of a man of one idea, [Charles] became obsessed.
Each book first begins with a little idea.
But once you become successful, everyone has an idea of what you should do.
So organic farming practices are something that, to me, are interlinked with the idea of using biodiesel.